'25e-'26e adj. EBITA down 3% Latent working capital release likely in Q1'25 '25e EV/EBITA of 9x is ~40% below peer average Takeaways from t...
Sales in line with cons, adj. EBITA -7% vs cons Consensus EBITA estimate revisions slightly negative Acquisitions back on the agenda again ...
'25e-'26e EBITA down 7-5% Freight rate normalisation required for better gross margins '25e EV/EBITA ~9x, ~40% below peers What to expect i...
'24e-'26e adj. EBITA up 1% Limited opex investments to help drive EBITA growth '25e EV/EBITA of 9x is ~40% below peer average Takeaways fro...
Sales +1% vs cons, adj. EBITA +1% vs cons Cons. EBITA estimate revisions slightly positive Improved gross margin despite headwinds Q3'24 ou...
Minor estimate revisions Falling freight rates positive for Humble's gross margin '25e EV/EBITA ~9x, ~40% below peers What to expect in Q3'...
Presented a clear and detailed operating blueprint SEK 3.
- '24e-'25e EBITA down 2-3% - Capacity investments to aid organic growth - '25e lease adj.
- Organic growth of 9% vs. cons. 9.5% - Adj. EBITA SEK 141m, 3% below consensus - Gross margin gains offset by capacity and marketing invest...
- Rising freight rates dilute the gross margin - '24e-'26e EBITA down 5-1% - '24e-'25e lease adj.
'24e-'26e EBITA down 7-1%... ...primarily due to changes in capitalisation policy '24e-'25e lease adj.
Organic growth of 11% vs. cons. 10% Adj. EBITA SEK 128m, 13% below consensus Gross margin recovery increasingly evident Q1'24 outcome Q1 sa...
- Gross margin est. down on continually elevated freight rates - '24e-'26e EBITA down 4-2% - '24e-'25e lease adj.
Marginal estimate changes Gross margin improvements still on the horizon '24e-'25e lease adj.
Organic growth of 18% vs. cons. 9% Adj. EBITA SEK 162m, 2% below cons, in line with ABGSCe Surprisingly strong gross margin Q4'23 outcome Q...
'23e-'25e EBITA down 8-3% Gross margin recovery hampered by Red Sea tensions '24e-'25e lease adj.
Minor estimate changes Gross margin improvements still on the horizon '24e lease adj.
Organic growth of 12% vs. ABGSCe 13% Adj. EBITA SEK 158m, 2% above ABGSCe Strong operating cash flow Q3'23 outcome Q3 sales came in at SEK ...
Minor estimate changes Expect an array of one-offs related to refinancing '24e lease adj.
- We raise '23e-'25e EBITA by 1% - Cash flow beat: three for three - '24e-'25e lease adj.
• Organic growth of 13% vs. ABGSCe 16% • Adj. EBITA SEK 141m, 9% above ABGSCe • We expect cons.
- We cut '23e-'25e EBITA by 11-3% - Equity issue eases leverage - '24e FCF yield of 5.
SEK 875m directed share issue Proforma deleveraging from ~3.
We raise '23e-'25e EBITA by 2% Cash flow generation is evident '23e EV/EBITA at ~8x Q1'23 report The Q1 report surprised us positively with...
Proforma org. growth of 20% vs. ABGSCe 18% Focus on operating excellence going forward We expect cons.
We cut '23e-'25e EBITA by 12-8% Some macro factors starting to ease '23e EV/EBITA at 7.
Strong organic growth continues Cash flow better than we expected '23e EV/EBITA ~8x Q4 report Due to the change to IFRS and the fact that a...
Q4 outcome Q4 sales came in at SEK 1,606m (+88% y-o-y growth, driven largely by acquisitions) and adj.
CPI-PPI gap is shrinking - positive for '23e margins Q4'22e sales up 3%, EBITDA down 8% New bolt-ons a sign of confidence for cash flow Q4'...
Adds annual sales of SEK 498m, 28m EBITDA Marginal impact on financial position and leverage Financed with a mix of cash and shares Descrip...
Stark omsättningstillväxt Nettoomsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till 1 354 mkr, proforma uppgick omsättningen till 1 654 mkr.
‘23e-‘24e EBITA estimates up 5% Working capital build-up sets high Q4 expectations Share trading at EV/EBITA ‘23e-‘24e 9-7x Key takes from t...
Sales of SEK 1,354m, +12% vs ABGSCe EBITA of SEK 108m, +18% vs ABGSCe We expect cons.
Fortsatt stark organisk tillväxt i Q2 Humble redovisade en nettoomsättning proforma om 1,55 mdkr vilket indikerar en organisk tillväxt på 23...
Keeps steady acquisition pace Well positioned for a tougher market Currently trading at 10-8x EV/EBITA ’23e-‘24e Key takes from the Q2 repor...
Adj. EBITA slightly below expectations Continued strong organic growth of 44% Solid outlook with continuous growth and potential deal Q2’22 ...
An eventful start to 2022 Q2’22 report due on 24 August Valuation down to around 14x-12x EV/EBITA (’22e-‘23e) An eventful H1’22 Humble ha...
Q1 report in line with preliminary figures… …with a strong performance across the board Value range intact at SEK 24-43 per share Q1’22 key...
Fin start på 2022 trots säsongsmässigt svagt första kvartal Humble Group rapporterade nettoomsättning om 897 mkr och justerad EBITDA om 102 ...
Q1 report in line with prel. numbers Continued strong org.
Q1 report due on Wednesday 25 May… …but the preliminary Q1 numbers are already out We expect sales of SEK 897m and adj.
Expecting sales of SEK 875-925m (vs ABGSCe 871m) … … and adj.
Stark lönsamhet avslutade 2021 Nettoomsättningen för 2021 blev 1,52 mdkr vilket var i linje med vår förväntan.
Humble Group publicerade den 25 februari 2022 bolaget delårsrapport för fjärde kvartalet 2021.
Humble har på kort tid transformerats från ett icke-lönsamt ingrediensteknologibolag till en snabbväxande och lönsam FMCG-koncern som tillha...
Tillväxten accelererar Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 3,4 mdkr och justerad EBITDA till 449 mkr på rullande 12 månaders proformabasis.
Humble Group publicerade den 26 november 2021 bolaget delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2021.
Humbles styrkepositioner är underskattade Humble har snabbt byggt en stark global marknadsnärvaro i de nya och snabbt växande områdena inom ...
Humble Group AB kommunicerade under fredagen den 10 september 2021 att Bolaget förvärvar Swedish Food Group (”SFG”), som är en Food Tech-kon...
Humble har på kort tid transformerats från ett icke-lönsamt ingrediensteknologibolag till en snabbväxande och lönsam Food Tech-koncern som v...
Humble Group publicerade den 27 augusti 2021 sin delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2021.