Humble Group: Complementary Privab acquisitions - ABG

Adds annual sales of SEK 498m, 28m EBITDA
Marginal impact on financial position and leverage
Financed with a mix of cash and shares
Description of acquisitions
Today, Humble announced that it has entered into conditional share purchase agreements to acquire Privab Grossisterna AB ("Privab Marketing"), Aktiebolaget Cool & Candy ("Privab Ystad") and Skövde Snabbgross AB ("Privab Trollhättan"). The acquired companies are estimated to generate combined sales of SEK 498m and an EBITDA of SEK 28m in 2022e. Further, Humble states that it has identified potential synergies and cost savings as part of its due diligence process. Overall, this acquisition is complementary of the already completed Privab acquisitions, and should strengthen Humble's distribution capabilities.
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