Humble Group: CMD takeaways - ABG - Börskollen
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Humble Group: CMD takeaways - ABG


Presented a clear and detailed operating blueprint
SEK 3.8bn incremental revenue potential
Set to acquire M&A targets at >30% incremental ROIC

Detailed blueprint for growth and margin expansion

We had the opportunity to attend the CMD physically and met with both the management team and the CEOs of Humble's larger subsidiaries. Our general impression is that there is a constructive yet performance-oriented culture in the group, and that there may be an underappreciated, intangible asset in the form of a decentralised, CEO subsidiary network that allows subsidiaries to communicate across the group to generate ideas and solve problems. This would likely not have been possible for the subsidiaries on a stand-alone basis. In terms of financials, the management team presented a clear and detailed path for how it would achieve its growth. The incremental revenue potential is ~SEK 3.8bn, which is skewed towards initiatives in Future Snacking and Quality Nutrition. Moreover, the 10% EBIT margin target aligns with the company's previously communicated ambition of recovering the gross margin from ~31% to 35%. The rest of the envisioned margin uplift is derived from opex scaling.

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Tips: 50% rabatt hos fondroboten Opti

Dags att komma igång med sparande? Fondroboten Opti erbjuder en populär spartjänst som är perfekt för regelbundet månadssparande. Just nu får nya kunder som använder Börskollens unika kampanjkod BORSKOLLEN50 automatiskt 50 % rabatt på Optis avgift i 3 månader!

Populär sparapp – över 500 000 nedladdningar
Många och höga externa omdömen
Högst grad av diversifiering
Perfekt för regelbundet månadssparande

Nya kunder som använder Börskollens unika kampanjkod BORSKOLLEN50 får automatiskt 50 procent rabatt på Optis avgift i 3 månader

Om aktien Humble Group

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