CEO Letter: A Moment of Transition for CS MEDICA
Launch in Italy Planned for Q2 2025, with Global Expansion to Follow
Board of Directors Explores Strategic Options to Safeguard Company and Shareholder Value
Efter Spotlight-meddelandet: CS MEDICA prioriterar aktieägarnas tillgångar och kallar till extra bolagsstämma från januari 2025
After the Spotlight Announcement: CS MEDICA Prioritizes Shareholder Assets and Will Call for Extraordinary General Meeting Starting January ...
CS MEDICA addresses Spotlight Stock Market’s recent announcement regarding the potential delisting of the company’s shares, which was based ...
CS MEDICA AB (”CS MEDICA”) bemöter Spotlight Stock Markets nyligen utfärdade meddelande om en potentiell avnotering av bolagets aktier, en å...
Anti-håravfallsserum godkänt för försäljning i takt med MENA-marknadens expansion – kompletterande produkter inväntar slutgiltigt godkännand...
Anti-Hair Loss Serum Approved for Sales as MENA Market Expands, Complementary Products Await Final Approval
CS MEDICA today released its financial results for the fourth quarter of 2024, demonstrating revenue growth and enhanced operational efficie...
Den nya avstämningsdagen ger extra tid för att slutföra aktieägarregistreringar och säkerställer korrekthet i aktieutdelningen.
New cut-off date allows additional time to finalize shareholder holdings and ensures accuracy in share distribution.
Permanent regulation could pave the way for better access and understanding of CBD's benefits and the diversity of products, as seen in more...
Den permanenta regleringen kan bana väg för bättre tillgång och förståelse för CBD's fördelar och mångfalden av produkter, liknande utveckli...
Postponement of Financial Reporting Deadlines Amid Key Regulatory and IPO Preparations - Q4 Interim Report Rescheduled for November 30, 2024...
CS MEDICA Approves Key Proposals at Extraordinary General Meeting
CS MEDICA A/S meddelar viktiga nyheter inför dagens extra bolagsstämma (EGM): Framsteg i CANNORDIC's kapitalökning, IPO-process och aktieför...
CS MEDICA A/S Announces Key Updates Ahead of the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) today: Developments in CANNORDIC’s Capital Increase, IP...
CANNORDIC, dotterbolag till CS MEDICA, säkrar ett exklusivt avtal med Deutsch-Pharm i Ukraina, med en försäljningspotential på 750 000 DKK.
CANNORDIC, the subsidiary of CS MEDICA, secures an exclusive deal with Deutsch-Pharm in Ukraine, signaling a sales potential of DKK 750.
NuWays, ett oberoende tyskt finansiellt rådgivningsbolag, lanserade idag sin rapport som betonar CS MEDICAs konkurrensfördel som en nyckelak...
NuWays, an independent German financial advisory firm, launched its research report today, highlighting the value of CS MEDICA’s competitive...
A Strategic Regulatory Pathway Positions CS MEDICA’s CBD-Infused Medical Devices Uniquely Ahead of Competition in Market Access and Complian...
En strategisk regulatorisk väg stärker CS MEDICA:s CBD-infuserade medicintekniska produkter och ger bolaget ett försprång i marknadstillträd...
The shareholders of CS MEDICA A/S ("CS MEDICA" or the "Company") are hereby notified of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Tuesd...
Milstolpe Uppnådd: Aktier Digitaliserade och Förberedelser för Försäljning Inledda
Milestone Reached: Shares Digitalized and Pre-Sale Preparation Underway
Successfully converting pipeline orders into sales through regulatory approval, while expanding the pipeline in the South Africa Region, val...
Framgångsrik omvandling av pipeline-order till försäljning genom regulatoriskt godkännande, samtidigt som pipeline utökas i Sydafrika-region...
CS MEDICA A/S Share Capital Increase Registered with the Danish Companies Registration Office
CANNORDIC samarbetar med Nimbus Health GmbH, en specialist inom medicinsk cannabis, för att förbättra patientvården i Tyskland.
CANNORDIC Collaborates with Nimbus Health GmbH, a Specialist in Medical Cannabis, to Enhance Patient Care in Germany
Dubbelnoteringsplaner och aktieägarutdelning i fokus när CS MEDICA närmar sig viktiga milstolpar i fjärde kvartalet 2024
Dual Listing Plans and Shareholder Distribution in Focus as CS MEDICA Approaches Key Milestones in Q4 2024
CS MEDICA A/S targets the US market for its regulated treatments with bioactive cannabidiol (CBD), complementing prescription-based therapie...
CS MEDICA A/S riktar sig mot den amerikanska marknaden för sina reglerade behandlingar med bioaktiv cannabidiol (CBD), som kompletterar rece...
CS MEDICA Övervinner Regulatoriska Utmaningar och Utvidgar Sitt Avtryck i Asien med Nya Godkännanden
Overcoming Regulatory Challenges, CS MEDICA Expands its Footprint in Asia with Latest Approvals
CEO Letter: Updates on BSI and Last Months' Activities
VD-brev: Uppdateringar om BSI och senaste månadernas aktiviteter
The Partnership Projects Up to €15 Million Revenue from Innovative CBD-infused Medical Devices by Year Three Post-Registration.
Partnerskapet förväntas generera upp till 15 miljoner euro i intäkter från innovativa medicintekniska produkter med CBD-infusion inom tre år...
Ledande Innovation inom Hälsovård med Strikt Efterlevnad
Leading Healthcare Innovation with Stringent Compliance
Nyligen klassificerade produkter förväntas öka marknadsnärvaron med en initial order på 100 000 enheter i Jordanien och en förväntad positiv...
Newly classified products set to boost market presence with an initial order of 100,000 units in Jordan and anticipated positive influence a...
Navigating Complex Markets with Innovations Leads to a 400% Increase in Revenue Year-to-Date and an Expansive Global Reach, Supported by a R...
Att Navigerar Komplexa Marknader med Innovationer Leder till en 400% Intäktsökning på Årsbasis och en Expansiv Global Spännvidd, Stödd av en...
Revenue Grew Over 400% Year-to-Date, and Order Intake Hit mDKK 49.
Omsättningen ökade med över 400 % hittills i år och orderintaget nådde mDKK 49,3, drivet av strategiska partnerskap och expansion.
Pioneering Access to Innovative Pain Relief and CBD Solutions and Gateway to South America
Expanding Access to Innovative Healthcare Solutions in the UAE
Strategic Investments in Compliance and Evidence-Based Treatments to Drive Growth
CS MEDICA strävar efter att stärka aktieägarrelationen med en pre-IPO aktieutdelning av CANNORDIC i Tyskland
CS MEDICA Aims to Strengthen Shareholder Bonds with Pre-IPO Share Distribution for CANNORDIC in Germany
Launching 36,000 Units to Test Market Fit and Accelerate Market Penetration at a value of €419,000
Lansering av 36,000 enheter för att testa marknadens mottaglighet och påskynda marknadspenetration med ett ordervärde om 419.
Innovative Approach to Compliant Psoriasis Treatment Aims for Patent Protection
Innovativt tillvägagångssätt för kompatibel psoriasisbehandling syftar till patentskydd
CANNORDIC Continues Momentum with Recurring Orders of 45.
Securing New Capital and Strengthening Shareholder Relations Through Strategic Collaborations
The shareholders of CS MEDICA A/S ("CS MEDICA" or the "Company") are hereby notified of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Wedne...
Enhanced Liquidity and Trading Opportunities for Shareholders
Q&A on German IPO, Structural Enhancements, and Growth Strategies.
Today on June 28, 2024, in Copenhagen - CS MEDICA A/S (”CS MEDICA” or “The Company”) held an extraordinary general meeting at which the foll...
Strategic Milestone Achieved as CANNORDIC, a CS MEDICA Subsidiary, Navigates Regulatory Challenges
CS MEDICA Signs with OneMed for Enhanced Distribution and Marketing in Denmark
CS MEDICA A/S Announces Strategic Letter of Intent with GP Europe Holding B.
The shareholders of CS MEDICA A/S ("CS MEDICA" or the "Company") are hereby notified of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Frida...
CS MEDICA A/S, a pioneering MedTech company specializing in innovative substance-based medical devices containing bioactive CBD, today annou...
CS MEDICA A/S (“CS MEDICA” or “the Company”) announces it has received a loan of 2 million DKK to support its short and mid-term funding req...
CS MEDICA ("CS MEDICA" or the "Company") publishes its H1 report for the period January – March 2024.
CS MEDICA A/S Optimizes Financial Planning with Rescheduled Year-End
CS MEDICA A/S Accelerates European Expansion by Launching 10T Innovative Pain Patches in its Main Territory.
CS MEDICA A/S posted earlier today a press release informing that that CEO, Lone Henriksen has acquired in total of 7.
CS MEDICA A/S announces today that CEO, Lone Henriksen has acquired in total of 7.
Strategic Alliance Catalyzes Market Penetration with a Potential of 440,000 Units in the First Year.
CS MEDICA is now set to launch its CANNASEN® Protective Nasal Gel for sale in the first Asian market.
CS MEDICA announces a new date for the Q4 2023 Report Presentation event: 12 April at 11 AM CET.
CS MEDICA A/S posted March the 29th 2024 a press release, releasing its quarterly report for for the period October – December 2023.
CS MEDICA (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) hereby releases its Q report for the period October – December 2023.
Today on February 29, 2024, in Copenhagen - CS MEDICA A/S (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) held its annual general meeting (“AGM”) at which th...
CS MEDICA Provides Insights on Continued Growth and Strategic Health.
CS MEDICA A/S and Nabih Nabulsi Drugstores disclose a strategic alliance to distribute CANNASEN® treatments with CBD across Jordan.
The shareholders of CS MEDICA A/S (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) are hereby notified of the Annual General Meeting that will be held on Thur...
CS MEDICA releases its Annual Report 2022/2023 today.
CS MEDICA received its third-issued patent on its "Wound Gel," offering an advanced healing process for wounds such as minor abrasions, cuts...
CS MEDICA marks a significant milestone by introducing its medical device and two cosmetic products, underscoring its commitment to expandin...
Danske Bank has extended its 1,2 million DKK credit line to CS MEDICA.
The authorization marks a significant step in the company's growth journey, resulting in the U.
Yet another year is coming to an end; it has undoubtedly been hectic and challenging, but we are proud of our progress as a smaller MedTech ...
CS MEDICA has chosen to delay the release of its Annual Report to Wednesday, February 14, 2024.
CS MEDICA (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) hereby releases its Q4 report for the period July – September 2023.
CS MEDICA is postponing the Year-end-Report Q4 2022/2023 until Wednesday 22.
CS MEDICA received its second-issued patent on its "Nasal Protect Gel," providing protection against pollen, bacteria, viruses, and pollutio...
CS MEDICA (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) announces today that the Company has received certificates of registration for the trademark CANNAS...
CS MEDICA is thrilled to announce that the Indian State’s FDA has granted official approval for two cosmetic products to be marketed and sol...
Danske Bank has extended a 1,2 million DKK credit line to CS MEDICA, reaffirming its confidence in the company.
CS MEDICA, a global MedTech company specializing in CBD and pain management, proudly announces its selection as a finalist in the 2023 Europ...