Freetrailer, Europe’s leading platform for trailer rental, is entering a new partnership with a world-leading home furnishing retailer in th...
Freetrailer raises expectations for the 24/25 financial year following an improved rental frequency, growth in new partnerships, and upselli...
Freetrailer launches its innovative rental service platform at IKEA's Flagship Store in Delft, Netherlands, starting in March 2025.
Freetrailer Group A/S is expanding into the Netherlands, preparing to introduce its innovative and sustainable transport solution With agree...
Freetrailer Group A/S achieved an impressive 335,016 rentals during the period from October to December 2024 – an increase of 23% compared t...
Freetrailer Group A/S, a leading provider of self-service trailer rental solutions, has entered a landmark partnership with RataPlan, the Ne...
En av Sveriges största privata hyresvärdar, Victoriahem, har tecknat ett ramavtal med Freetrailer för att kunna erbjuda den digitala släputh...
Announcement of transactions in Freetrailer Group A/S
A correction has been made to the English version of the Q1 report 2024-2025 in the Group Income Statement.
Freetrailer starts the 2024/2025 financial year with a new record number of rentals and revenue growth of 25.
Freetrailer enters into a new strategic insurance agreement with Tryg that both improves insurance terms and supports the company's growth s...
Freetrailer Group reports summary from the annual general meeting
Employees and former board members of Freetrailer have exercised 18,892 warrants in Freetrailer Group A/S and received 18,892 shares with a ...
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Freetrailer Group A/S to be held on Thursday 24 October 2024 at 11.
Freetrailer Group A/S achieved its highest-ever number of rentals in a quarter with 422,683 rentals in the first quarter of the 2024/25 fina...
Freetrailer is growing. For the financial year 2023/24, revenue has grown 41.
Pursuant to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, please be informed that on 25th September 2024, Freetrailer Group A/S received inf...
Freetrailer Group A/S has just extended its partnership with the DIY chain Silvan A/S.
Freetrailer has received information about the following transactions of shares in Freetrailer Group A/S made by persons with management res...
The fourth quarter of the financial year 2023/24 for Freetrailer shows a growth in revenue of 53.
Freetrailer breaks several rental records in the 23/24 financial year.
The low-price DIY store jem & fix has entered an agreement with Freetrailer to integrate the latter’s digital trailer rental service into 15...
Freetrailer has entered into a multi-year country agreement with Power Sweden for rental of trailers.
The third quarter of the 2023/24 financial year at Freetrailer shows revenue growth of 31.
Freetrailer significantly increases its presence in Germany with JYSK agreement.
Freetrailer Group A/S is partnering with Christian Tepper, who has a strong digital mindset, and long-lasting experience from within the ind...
Freetrailer Group A/S has just entered into a new strategic partnership with SGDS Gruppen in Sweden.
Freetrailer Group A/S achieved 287,222 rentals in the period January to March, which corresponds to an increase of 46.
The second quarter of Freetrailer's financial year 23/24 shows an increase in revenue of 42.
Freetrailer now expects revenue of DKK 94 - 104 million and EBITDA of DKK 14 - 17 million.
Freetrailer has entered into a multi-year framework agreement with POWER Norway for the rental of trailers.
The Board of Directors of Freetrailer Group A/S announces that 75,000 warrants have been granted to key employees in the company.
Freetrailer Group A/S achieved 272,441 rentals in the period October to December, which corresponds to an increase of 34.
Chairman of the Board Thomas Zeihlund has acquired 40,000 shares in Freetrailer through his company, Riverhorse ApS.
The first quarter of Freetrailer's financial year 2023/24 shows an increase in revenue of more than 34%.
On Monday, 27 November 2023, at 14.00, the annual general meeting of Freetrailer Group A/S, CVR no.
For the whole of 22/23, the number of rentals increased by 18 % compared to the previous year, revenue grew by 20 % and the number of rental...
A convening notice is hereby sent for the General Meeting of Freetrailer Group A/S, which will be held on Monday 27 November 2023 at 14.
For the first time in the company's history, Freetrailer Group A/S has passed one million rentals during the past 12 months.
The announcement regarding the change was mistakenly categorised with a MAR label and has now been removed.
The date for the announcement of the Annual Report for 22/23 has been changed from 11 October 2023 as previously announced to 10 November 20...
In the period July to September, Freetrailer Group A/S set a new record with 318,397 rentals.
Freetrailer Group A/S has today changed its board of directors.
On Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 17.00, an extraordinary general meeting was held in Freetrailer Group A/S, CVR no.
Notice is hereby given of the Extraordinary General Meeting in Freetrailer Group A/S, which will be held on Wednesday, September 27 at 17-18...
Immediately before the Extraordinary General Meeting on Monday, September 4, the company was informed that not all shareholders had received...
Freetrailer Group A/S increases the number of trailers and E-bikes by 20 % and the number of rentals by 24 % after a great final spurt in...
Notice is hereby given of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Freetrailer Group A/S, which will be held on Monday, 4 September at 5-6 pm - ...
Freetrailer Group A/S reached an important milestone in July by surpassing 100,000 rentals in one month
Freetrailer's financial year 2022/2023 breaks several rental records.
278,000 shares are changing ownership in Freetrailer Group A/S.
The Board of Directors of Freetrailer Group A/S has today resolved to grant a total of 190,480 warrants to Nicolai Frisch Erichsen, Group CE...
The low-price DIY store jem & fix enters into a collaboration with Freetrailer.
The board of Freetrailer Group A/S has allocated a total of 25,000 warrants that will be awarded to an employee in the company.
After a Q3 with 10% revenue growth, Freetrailer sees positive signs of increased rental activity in Q4, especially in our international mark...
Employees in Freetrailer have exercised 28,452 Warrants in Freetrailer Group A/S and receive 28,452 shares with a nominal value of DKK 21,33...
Nicolai Frisch Erichsen, who has served as interim CEO of Freetrailer Group A/S since January, has been elected permanent CEO.
Freetrailer Sverige AB has just signed a four year strategic partnership agreement with the Swedish second-hand store chain PMU Second Hand.
Freetrailer Group A/S has just signed a three-year co-operation agreement with the German self storage company Space Plus Store GmbH.
Freetrailer Group A/S expands its collaboration with one of Norway's largest DIY chains, Obs BYGG.
MAR Freetrailer has delivered another quarter of growth, with the number of rentals increasing by 15% compared to Q2 21/22, and revenue grow...
Styrelsen för Freetrailer Group A/S har idag beslutat att tilldela sammanlagt 125 000 warrants till nyckelpersoner i bolagets ledning.
MAR Freetrailer Group A/S har ingått ett fyraårigt samarbete med Byggmax Group AB.
Freetrailer Group A/S anställer tidigare verkställande direktör i bl.
Freetrailer Group A/S har tecknat ett nytt avtal om leverans av släpvagnar till elektronikjätten Elkjøp AS i Kongsberg och Notodden i Norge.
Freetrailer Group A/S och byggvaruhuskedjan Silvan A/S utökar sitt samarbete till att omfatta Freetrailer Cykelkoncept med Smart Charging Sy...
Freetrailer lanserar ett nytt partnerskap med 24 SJU Snabbköp’s obemannade livsmedelsbutiker i Sverige.
Q1 22/23 var ytterligare ett kvartal där Freetrailer såg en solid tillväxt.
Torsdagen den 13 oktober 2022 kl 18.00 hölls ordinarie bolagsstämma i Freetrailer Group A/S, CVR-nr 28 89 19 38, på bolagets säte.
Under 21/22 ökade antalet uthyrningar med 26 % jämfört med föregående år, och intäkterna ökade med 21 % jämført med 21/22.
Kallelse till ordinarie bolagsstämma för Freetrailer Group A/S, som hålls torsdagen den 13 oktober 2022 kl.
Freetrailer Group A/S kommer att justera sina priser för förhandsbokning och försäkringar på den svenska och norska marknaden från och med d...
Under Q4 21/22 ökade antalet uthyrningar med 22 % jämfört med samma period föregående år, och intäkterna ökade med 5 % under Q4 21/22 (17 % ...
Freetrailer Group A/S och City Self-Storage i Norge ingår ett nytt treårigt avtal som utökar samarbetet till 19 platser och ökar antalet slä...
Freetrailer Group A/S har tecknat ett fyraårigt ramavtal med trädgårdskedjan Hageland.
Freetrailer Groups koncept med lånesläp når nya höjder, och med över 770 000 utlåningar under räkenskapsåret 21/22 har dess popularitet aldr...
Under Q3 21/22 ökade antalet av uthyrningar med 26% jämfört med samma period förra året och omsättningen ökade med 34% jämfört med Q3 20/21.
Freetrailer vinner Danish E-Commerce Award 2022 i kategorin "Bästa B2C-företag med en online-omsättning under 100 miljoner danska kronor".
Freetrailer och elektronikjätten POWER utökar samarbetet och expanderar samtidigt med 2 nya butiker.
Freetrailers styrelseordförande och medgrundare Allan Sønderskov Darré säljer 700 000 aktier i Freetrailer Group till en grupp av nuvarande ...
Medarbetarna på Freetrailer utnyttjar 210 748 av totalt 301 761 optioner i Freetrailer Group A/S och erhåller 210 748 aktier med ett nominel...
Q2 21/22 var ännu ett bra kvartal för Freetrailer Under Q2 21/22 ökade antalet av uthyrningar med 24% jämfört med samma period förra året o...
Freetrailer Group A/S och byggvarukedjan Byggmax i Sverige och Norge har ingått ett nytt samarbetsavtal, där Freetrailers tjänst kommer att ...
Freetrailer Group A/S och Elgiganten i Sverige har ingått ett nytt samarbetsavtal, där Freetrailer ska leverera 115 släp till Elgigantens sv...
Freetrailer Group har under första halvåret lyckats hålla samma höga aktivitets- och tillväxtnivå med en oförändrad kostnadsstruktur.
Freetrailer har anställt Martin Damm som ny Chief Financial Officer (CFO) för företaget.
Gemstone Capital A/S utnyttjar resterande 43 381 av totalt 93 381 teckningsoptioner i Freetrailer Group A/S och erhåller 43 381 aktier med e...
Freetrailer Group A/S och den norska dagligvarukedjan Europris inledde tidigare i år ett samarbete som nu utökas från 12 till 105 släpvagnar...
Q1 21/22 var ännu ett bra kvartal
Onsdagen den 27 oktober 2021 klockan 18.00 hölls årsstämman i Freetrailer Group A/S, CVR-nummer 28 89 19 38, på företagets säte.
Kallelse till bolagsstämma för Freetrailer Group A/S, som hålls onsdag den 27 oktober 2021 kl.
Freetrailer Group A/S skjuter upp årsstämman i Freetrailer Group A/S till den 27 oktober 2021
Den svenska kapitalfonden Origo Fonder AB har precis gått ut med att deras underliggande fond Origo Quest 1 har köpt 200 000 aktier i Freetr...
Räkenskapsåret 20/21 var ännu ett rekordår. Under 20/21 ökade antalet uthyrningar med 26,9% jämfört med förra året och omsättningen ökade m...
Kallelse till bolagsstämma för Freetrailer Group A/S, som hålls torsdagen den 14 oktober 2021 kl.
Freetrailer Group och IKEA i Tyskland utökar sitt partnerskap med 12 nya upphämtningsplatser och inledningsvis totalt 42 hyresprodukter.
Freetrailer Group och byggvaruhuskedjan Silvan utökar återigen sitt samarbete.
Freetrailer fokuserar på internationell expansion
Freetrailer Group A/S utökar samarbetet med världsledande möbelkoncern