Freetrailer Group A/S sets a new record with 907,874 rentals in the financial year
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Freetrailer Group A/S sets a new record with 907,874 rentals in the financial year

Freetrailer's financial year 2022/2023 breaks several rental records.


-          The total number of rentals increased to 907,874

-          Highest number of rentals in a quarter with 270,811 in Q4

-          Highest number of rentals in a week (week 26 in 2023) with 25,469 rentals.

-          The total number of trailers and e-bikes amounted to 3,626 units on June 30, 2023.

-          Most new rental products in a financial year with 825 units.

-          Significant growth in Norway and Sweden in Q4.


The popularity of Freetrailer's sharing economy concept is clearly reflected in the company's latest financial period. With 907,874 rentals in the period, the company has increased the number of rentals by 17.9 percent, which corresponds to 137,588 more rentals than in the financial year 2021/2022. The rental figure isolated for Q4 landed at 270,811, which is an increase of 24 percent compared to the period last year.


Similarly, the number of trailers and electric cargo bikes has increased to 3,626. This is 825 more than the same period last year, which corresponds to a growth of 29.5 percent. Q4 in particular stood out with a high rollout rate, 431 new trailers were rolled out in the three months, and a total of 559 new trailers were sent out in the second half of 2022/2023. In comparison, Freetrailer rolled out 266 new trailers to partners in the first half of 2022/2023.


"We have made a strong recovery after a weak start to the year, and especially Q4 has shown a great development. I am particularly impressed by our growth in Norway and Sweden, where the level of rental activity and the growth in the number of rental units has exceeded all expectations. This is really promising for the coming years," says Nicolai Frisch Erichsen, CEO of Freetrailer Group.

The company's full-year report will be published on August 31, 2023.



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FTG PRM 230704 Freetrailer sets a new record with 907,874 rentals in the financial year

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