Redeye reinforces its positive view of Transtema following a strong Q4, where Sweden improved substantially relative to Q1-Q3.
Redeye reinforces its positive view on Transtema following a Q4 report showing strong development in the Swedish market while Norway continu...
Redeye retains its Q4 and 2025 forecasts for Transtema.
Redeye maintains a positive view of Transtema following a softer Q3 than expected due to weak margins in Norway.
Redeye sees a Q3 report on the soft side from Transtema.
Redeye lowers its forecasts for Q3 and 2024 somewhat on the back of a slightly softer outlook in Norway.
Redeye maintains a positive view of Transtema following a Q2 beating our expectations.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Transtema following a Q2 beating our expectations.
Redeye raised its Base Case and 2025 forecasts for Transtema following the recently announced large deal.
Redeye maintains a positive view of Transtema despite a weak Q1 and cuts in Base Case and forecasts.
Oförändrat svår marknad, men den har inte blivit sämre Med en telekommarknad som har lägre investeringar har Transtema inte kunnat kompenser...
Redeye will likely decrease its Base Case and forecasts following a soft Q1, hurt by adverse weather and a soft market.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Transtema following the pan-Nordic support and maintenance deal with GlobalConnect.
Redeye lowers its forecasts for Q1 while leaving the rest of 2024 roughly unchanged.
Fortsatt press på den organiska tillväxten… Med en kombination av accelererande nedstängning av kopparnätet i Sverige och allmänt svag efter...
Redeye maintains its positive view of Transtema following a Q4 showing a better q/q margin improvement than expected.
Redeye sees a positive Q4 report, with the significant q/q margin improvement being the highlight.
Redeye expects improved numbers in Q4 relative to soft Q2-Q3 due to seasonality and improved underlying cost control.
Redeye maintains its positive view despite lowering its Base Case and forecasts significantly.
Tvåsiffrig negativ organisk tillväxt i kvartalet… Med en acceleration av nedstängningen av kopparnätet, en allmänt svag marknad för installa...
Redeye sees a softer Q3 than expected, although there is still an improvement in EBITA q/q.
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Transtema following the Swedish 5G deal with Telenor.
Negativ organisk tillväxt och marginalpress… Med accelererande avveckling av kopparnäten såg Sverige -9% organisk tillväxt och även om tillv...
Redeye maintains its positive view on Transtema despite lowering its Base Case and forecasts.
Redeye will keep its positive view of Transtema following a softer Q2 than expected but with slightly more positive comments about 5G.
Marknaden är oförändrad sedan Q1-annonseringen – anpassar kostnadskostymen För att hantera de uppskjutna 5G-projekten som Transtema skrev om...
Redeye retains its positive view of Transtema despite lowering our forecasts and Base Case.
Redeye retains its positive view of Transtema following a soft Q1 hurt by a harsh Norwegian winter.
Svår vinter i Norge men Sverige är stabilt Omsättningen växte med 45% i Q1 men den organiska tillväxten bromsade in till 1%.
Redeye sees solid prospects for 2023 despite a soft Q1 heavily affected by the harsh Norwegian winter.
Ingår förlikningsavtal med GlobalConnect Två tvister med IP-Only och Bynet AB (GlobalConnect) som var planerade för skiljeförfarande i mars ...
Redeye believes Transtema’s settlement agreement with GlobalConnect is reasonable.
Redeye retains its positive view of Transtema and foresees a strong 2023 fueled by organic and acquired sales growth combined with a slight ...
Stark organisk tillväxt och stabil marginal Med flera samvarierande faktorer var marknaden fortsatt stark och den organiska tillväxten kom i...
Redeye strengthens its positive view of Transtema following its Q4 report.
15% organisk tillväxt… Marknaden är starkare än vad vi hade hoppats på och Transtema rapporterade organiska tillväxten på 15% i Q4.
Förvärvet av UBConnect exemplifierar strategin… Transtema planerar att växa i tre dimensioner – i närliggande produktområden, i nya geografi...
Redeye strengthens its positive view on Transtema following the acquisitions of UBConnect.
UBConnect adderar ca 20% till försäljningen Transtema har annonserat att de har tecknat avtal att köpa norska UBConnect vilket i princip gör...
Tecknar avtal med XPENG North Projects, ett dotterbolag till Transtema, har ingått ett exklusivt avtal med XPeng European Holding, den kines...
Marknaden har förbisett Transtemas utveckling Vi initierar teckning på Transtema, marknadsledare i Sverige för service och underhåll av tele...
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following a solid Q3 report, showing high organic and acquired growth and healthy margins.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following its Q3 2022 report revealed earlier today, where both sales and EBITA clearly beat o...
Redeye strengthens its positive view on Transtema following a Q2 report with strong organic and acquired growth and solid margins.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following a strong Q2 report.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following the small yet interesting acquisitions of EV-Charging specialist North Projects.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following the deal with Proptivity.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following a Q1 report with underlying sales and EBITA in line with our forecasts.
Redeye will likely retain its positive view on Transtema following a Q1 report with comparable figures in line with our forecasts.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following the acquisition of Tessta Connect.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema despite EBITA falling somewhat short of our expectations.
Redeye retains its positive view on Transtema following the Q4 report despite a somewhat softer adjusted EBITA than we expected.
Redeye remains positive to Transtema following a solid Q2 report, conforming the successful transformation to a profitable company.
While Transtema was an active acquirer in 2016-18, making 16 acquisitions, it has not made any since then.
Redeye sees a solid Q2 report, with margins significantly beating our forecasts.