Physitrack’s Q4 2024 report came in stronger on sales than expected but slightly below profitability due to a higher-than-anticipated cost b...
Redeye shares its initial take on Physitrack’s Q4 results, which came in above our expectations in terms of the top line.
Redeye expects strong performance from the Lifecare division in Q4 2024, though weaker results from the Wellness division will likely constr...
Redeye briefly comments on Physitrack’s announcement to streamline its subsidiary, Champion Health, and the settlement of the share purchase...
Redeye is encouraged by the announcement of a strategic restructuring of Champion Health Plus.
Redeye has updated its estimates and valuation following Physitrack’s Q3 report.
Redeye shares its initial take on Physitrack’s Q3 results, which were generally in line with our modest expectations.
Redeye anticipates the Lifecare division to maintain its solid performance in Q3 2024, though weaker results from the Wellness division will...
Redeye provides updated estimates and valuation following Physitrack’s Q2 report.
Redeye leaves its initial take on Physitrack’s Q2 figures, which overall was line with our expectations.
Redeye anticipates a muted Q2 2024 in terms of quarter-on-quarter growth, though stable ARR growth is expected both year-on-year and quarter...
Redeye reiterates its positive stance following Physitrack’s Q1 results.
Redeye comments on Physitrack’s soild Q1 figures, which were in line with our expectations.
Redeye anticipates that Physitrack will resume its sequential growth trajectory in Q1 2024, albeit with slightly muted year-on-year growth, ...
Redeye has updated our estimates and fair value range in response to Physitrack’s Q4 2023 report, which slightly missed our topline expectat...
Redeye comments on Physitrack’s Q4 figures, which slightly missed our expectations on topline.
Redeye anticipates that Physitrack’s Q4 2023 results will demonstrate robust cash generation, organic growth of 15% y/y, and sequentially su...
Redeye is encouraged to discover that Champion Health Nordic (a subsidiary within the Wellness division) has secured its most significant co...
Redeye has revised our estimates and fair value range following Physitrack’s Q3 2023 report, which came in close to our forecasts.
Redeye concludes that the figures in Physitrack’s Q3 2023 report were generally in line with our estimates.
Physitrack will release its Q3 2023 report on 14 November at 08:00 and host a conference call at 10:00.
Redeye provides its Q2 2023 sector update for the Nordic SaaS space.
Redeye updates its estimates and fair value range after Physitrack’s stable Q2 2023 report, which came in close to our forecasts.
Redeye comments on Physitracks’s Q2-results, wherein the reported figures generally align with our estimates.
Redeye provides an update on Physitrack ahead of its Q2’23-results (scheduled for 18 August), anticipating a steady quarter marked by favour...
Redeye initiates coverage on Physitrack, a scalable and rapidly growing e-health software company that assists corporations in improving emp...
Stark tillväxt tyder på fortsatt god efterfrågan Physitrack fortsätter att växa snabbt med en total tillväxt på 45% jämfört med föregående å...
Strong PF growth but the margin was flat sequentially We lower '23e-'25e adj.
Stark tillväxt, drivet av båda segmenten Physitrack rapporterade i morse en stark omsättningstillväxt som var något högre än vad vi förvänta...
Q1 sales in line with our estimates, adj. EBITDA 4% below Expect cons '23e adj.
Q1e 36% org. growth, but limited margin improvement q-o-q We cut '23e-'24e adj.
Rekryterar för att fortsätta utveckla erbjudandet och bibehålla tillväxttakten 2022 var ett händelserikt år för Physitrack där mycket fokus ...
Förväntat lägre marginal under sista kvartalet Kvartalet var i stort sett som vi förväntat oss med en total tillväxt på 38% y/y och proforma...
Share down 20% today despite limited changes to outlook We expect positive FCF ex.
Q4 was in line versus our sales and adj. EBITDA estimates Slight cons miss but reassuring '23 margin outlook Share is -14% YTD, trading at 1...
Q4e to show strong growth but slightly weaker margin We trim '23e-'24e adj.
Q3 i korthet Under det tredje kvartalet 2022 uppvisade Physitrack en omsättning om EUR 3,4m (EUR 2,0 Q3’21) vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om ...
Fortsatt hög tillväxt Omsättningen under Q2’22 uppgick till EUR 3,1m (EUR 1,9m), vilket motsvarar en total tillväxt om 57% y/y och proforma ...
Pro forma growth in line with company target Margin slightly pressured by virtual care acquisitions Trading at 14 ‘23e EV/EBITDA Wellness ...
Q2: Limited deviations on sales and adj. EBITDA Small negative cons adj.
One add-on and an important partnership in Q2 Small rise in subscription sales, while lowering care The share is trading at 6.
Tillväxt om 67% i Q1'22 Omsättningen i Q1'22 uppgick till EUR 2,6m (EUR 1,5m i Q1’21), vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 67% y/y.
New initiatives to grow subscription sales in the pipeline Seasonality changes and adding new revenue stream Share trading at 15.
Q1 sales of EUR 2.6m (-5.7% vs ABGSC) The number of subscribers +17% y-o-y (vs ABGSC 21%) Expect relatively small forecasts changes Q1 resu...
Physitrack stays strong despite external disruptions We add Champion Health to the figures Share trades more than 40% below Nordic SaaS pee...
Acquires a leading digital workplace health platform Adding (at least) 3.
Ny rapportering Physitrack går från brutet räkenskapsår till kalenderår.
God tillväxt Physitrack redovisade en omsättning om 2,4m EUR (0,9m) under Q4'21, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 165% y/y.
SaaS-bolag med hög andel återkommande intäkter Physitrack är en global digital hälso- och sjukvårdsleverantör fokuserad på B2B-marknaden för...