Redeye comments on Medivir’s final phase IIa data of fostrox + Lenvima in second-line liver cancer (HCC), which contain some new information...
Redeye comments on Medivir's Q4 report of 2024. In the quarter, the phase IIa study of fostrox was completed.
Today, Medivir announced its application to start a phase II study in liver cancer was approved by the FDA, which we discuss.
Redeye comments on Medivir's Q3 report. We make changes to our base case as IGM Biosciences exits oncology, and a median time to progression...
Redeye comments on Medivir’s clinical trial and supply agreement with Eisai.
Redeye comments on Medivir's Q2 report. The main event in the quarter was the presentation of an estimated mean TTP of 10.
Redeye comments on Medivir’s update from ESMO GI, showing improvements in fostrox’ TTP.
Redeye comments on Tango Therapeutics' discontinuation of the USP1 programme (TNG348), which does not have an impact on our base case.
Slutlig studiedesign närmar sig Medivir har fullt fokus på att ta fostrox framåt mot en registreringsgrundande fas 2b-studie.
Redeye reviews Medivir's fourth quarter report, which presented another improvement of median time to progression for fostrox, now at 7 mont...
Redeye sees the RPDD and ODD from the FDA as signs that the osteoarthritis programme MIV-711 is moving forward.
Redeye comments on the update from the type C FDA meeting.
Redeye comments on the positive results from a proof-of-concept study with the veterinary candidate VBX-1000 (MIV-701) out-licensed to Vetbi...
Partnerersättning i Q4 Bolagets licenspartner Tango Therapeutics har avancerat sitt projekt TNG348 in i klinisk utvecklingsfas, vilket aktiv...
Redeye reviews Medivir's fourth quarter report, which disclosed further improvements in patient survival.
Redeye comments on the presentation of updated data from the trial of fostrox in combination with Lenvima yesterday.
Redeye comments on the directed share issue that completes the previous rights issue.
Redeye comments on the slightly improved data, which are becoming mature, from the latest readout of the trial of fostrox in combination wit...
Redeye comments on the outcome of Medivir’s rights issue.
Redeye finds that the clinical study of fostrox in liver cancer is progressing favourably with some improvements in the latest readout.
Partner prioriterar Bolagets partner IGM Biosciences meddelade igår att de fokuserar sina resurser mot ett par av sina kliniska projekt, med...
Redeye comments on the cost reduction program at IGM Biosciences which impacts birinapant, which is licensed from Medivir.
With the new information about the development plan of fostrox in liver cancer, we update our base case.
Redeye comments on the rights issue announced by Medivir yesterday evening.
Lovande data för fostrox Interimsresultaten för fostrox som presenterades i samband med rapporten gjorde att det siffermässiga hamnade i bak...
Redeye comments on Medivir's Q3 report and on the new positive data from 18 patients in the liver cancer trial treated with fostrox + Lenvim...
Redeye comments on Medivir's new early positive data from all patients in the study of fostrox + Lenvima in liver cancer.
Today, Medivir communicated that its Partner Tango Therapeutics has received the approval to start a phase I/II study of TNG348.
Redeye comments on the strong results from the first interim readout of fostrox’ phase Ib/IIa study in liver cancer with six patients.
Ökad aktivitet Under det andra kvartalet var aktiviteten i huvudprojektet fostrox hög och det låg bakom ökade kostnader, där vi fick se röre...
In August, the Lenvima arm of the phase II study of fostrox in advanced liver cancer was fully recruited.
Redeye comments on the inclusion of the last patient in the Lenvima arm of the phase IIa trial of fostrox in advanced liver cancer.
Redeye comments on the conclusion of the phase I part of the ongoing phase I/IIa study of fostroxacitabine bralpamide in liver cancer (HCC).
Förlängd finansiering Vi överraskades av bolagets fina kostnadskontroll i Q1’23 och att rörelsekostnaderna minskade ordentligt till 20,3 mkr...
Redeye comments on Medivir’s first quarter report of 2023.
Medivir has presented positive pre-clinical results with fostrox in a triple combination at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023, which we discuss i...
Redeye comments on the completion of fostroxacitabine bralpamide’s phase Ib part in combination with Lenvima.
Håller i pengarna Det siffermässiga i rapporten var odramatiskt och något bättre än det vi hade räknat med, särskilt på kostnadssidan.
Redeye comments on Medivir's fourth quarter report.
Bra kostnadskontroll Det tredje kvartalet karaktäriserades av fortsatt återhållsamhet på kostnadssidan med rörelsekostnader om 16,6 mkr (14,...
Redeye comments on Medivir's third quarter report. There have been some positive developments in fostrox's ongoing clinical trial in liver ...
Kostnaderna tickade nedåt Bolaget visar på bra kontroll av kostnaderna i Q2 och det finansiella läget är fortsatt under kontroll.
Redeye comments on Medivir’s second quarter report
Kostnadsuppgång i Q1 Nettoomsättningen minskade under Q1 2022 till 0,5 mkr (9,9), där skillnaden huvudsakligen kan tillskrivas milstolpsersä...
Redeye comments on Medivir’s first quarter report.
Redeye still believes that, with the Medivir share trading at the same levels as a year ago, the stock market has not fully appreciated the ...
Redeye comments on Medivir's Q4 report.
Fokuserat och slimmat Medivir är idag helt inriktat på utveckling av läkemedel inom cancerområdet och har inte längre någon egen grundforskn...
Redeye believes the Phase Ib results support plans for developing combination treatments with MIV-818 in liver cancer.
Redeye gives a brief comment on the Phase Ib abstract published at ESMO.
Redeye is positively surprised by the news of renegotiated terms for remetinostat, which we believe significantly increases the likelihood o...
Redeye comments on the positive update for remetinostat in basal cell carcinoma.