2024 closed with record sales, EBIT and order intake Increased TAM assumptions prompt upgrades, EBIT +27-37% Shares trading at 33x 2025e EV/...
Redeye updates on Invisio following its strong Q4-results and a continued positive outlook for 2025E.
Redeye comments in Invisio’s Q4-results which were in line with the preannounced results.
Q4 already pre-announced, orders +18% vs cons TAM updated from SEK 14bn to 25bn (+80%) Positive 2025 outlook on sales and orders, estimates ...
Strong deliveries in Q4, sales +32% vs cons, EBIT +70% Guides for strong sales and order intake in 2025 Consensus estimates likely up 10-15%...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s preannounced figures for Q4 which were much stronger than expected.
- Strong momentum and long runway for growth highlighted - Military modernisation and market share gains key drivers - We are below consensu...
Redeye updates on Invisio post Q3-results which were close to our forecast while the order intake was strong and above our expectations.
- Q3 earnings miss reduces '24e EBIT, but order beat raises '25e - Market activity remains high and Invisio is well-prepared to deliver - Sh...
Q3 EBIT -27% vs cons but orders +31% vs cons Positive Q4 guidance and longer-term outlook reiterated Estimates slightly down 2024e, flat to ...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q3-results which were largely in line with our expectations while the order intake was stronger than expected.
Redeye updates on Invisio ahead of Q3-results (due 24 October) where we expect another quarter with solid performance, albeit a sequential d...
Redeye updates on Invisio post Q2-results which came in above our forecast owing to larger than expected deliveries of the large Intercom or...
- Q2 deliveries impressed, less support ahead but still good demand - 2024e adj.
- Strong growth, adj. EBIT +14% vs cons but orders -8% vs cons - Activity level to remain high for many years, positive outlook reiterated -...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q2-results which came in above expectations owing to strong deliveries of the Intercom order received in March.
Redeye comments on Invisio ahead of its Q2-results (due 19 July) where we expect strong growth driven by the large Intercom order that was r...
Redeye updates on Invisio following its Q1-results which were in line with our expectations.
80% of the ATH order book to be delivered within 12 months Higher opex to cut EBIT by 5-7% in 2024e-'26e '24e elevated due to third-party or...
EBIT -16% vs cons (SEK 50m vs 60m) and order intake -4% vs cons 80% of order book expected to be delivered next 12 months Demand remains hig...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q1-results which were in line with our expectations and the company saw a strong increase in the order book on ...
Tough comps, we expect -3% org sales growth (119% Q1'23) The Intercom order behind 2024e estimate changes, EBIT +51% Share trading at 26x EV...
Redeye updates on Invisio ahead of its Q1-results (due 7 May) where we expect a strong order intake following the large Intercom order that ...
- SEK 465m in two orders for Intercom and Vehicle radios.
Redeye comments on Invisio’s announced order regarding Intercom systems with a value of SEK230m which will be delivered during Q2 to Q4 2024...
Redeye updates on Invisio following the company’s Q4-results which were stronger than expected with both topline and profit beating our fore...
Sales and orders grew nicely in Q4, but comps are getting tougher We stick to ~15% annual growth ahead, EBIT cut 2-4% on lower GM Several gr...
4% sales beat vs cons but weaker gross margin put adj.
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q4-results which came in stronger than expected while the order intake was solid despite a lack of large orders...
- We expect 22% organic growth in Q4 and EBIT up 35% y-o-y - 2024e-25e EBIT down 6% as FX shaves 2% off top line - Share trading at 32x 2024...
Redeye comments on Invisio ahead of its Q4-results (due 13 February) where we expect another quarter with strong deliveries and solid profit...
Redeye updates on Invisio following the company’s Q3-results which saw stronger topline than expected but lower earnings, partly driven by o...
48% organic growth in Q3 and solid order intake We raise sales estimates 4% and leave EBIT unchanged Share -10% on the report, trades at 23.
48% org growth, sales +4% vs cons, EBIT -16% on one-off costs Reiterates mid-term and long-term guidance on strong execution Cons ests -5% f...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q3-results which saw stronger topline than expected while EBITDA was somewhat lower than expected.
Redeye comments on Invisio ahead of its Q3-results (due 25 October) where we expect continued strong YoY growth and solid profitability whil...
No announced orders in Q3 puts some risk on order intake.
Redeye updates on Invisio post Q2-results which came in lower-than-expected owing to soft deliveries during the quarter.
• Q2 order beat but sales miss & FX make us cut EBIT -5% • Momentum is good and positive guidance was reiterated • Trading at 36x 2023e EV/E...
• Q2 sales -7% vs cons, EBIT -23% vs cons • Q2 order intake +26% vs cons and reiterates FY guidance • EBIT estimates down ~5%, trades at 36x...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q2-results which came in lower than expected as deliveries was soft while the order intake was very strong.
Redeye expect Invisio to continue to perform strong in Q2 2023 (results due 21 July) where the order intake will be supported by Racal which...
85% organic growth in Q2e and EBIT of SEK 61m H1 announced orders +52% y-o-y supports 2023e growth Fine-tuning estimates, EBIT -2%, share at...
Reiterates strong 2023 guidance and long-term growth path Increased military budgets & better product portfolio main drivers 28% sales CAGR ...
Redeye updates on Invisio following the company’s Q1-results which came in much stronger than expected and the company reiterates a positive...
Q1 sales, EBIT and order intake beats, tailwinds continue We raise estimates significantly, EBIT +26-90% 34-24x EV/EBIT 2023-25e Showing of...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q1-results which again was stronger than forecasted with revenue coming in 13% above estimates and EBITDA beati...
119% organic growth in Q1, sales +16% vs cons Gross margin beat and scalability drove EBIT +55% vs cons Order intake remains strong, so does...
Redeye comments on Invisio ahead of its Q1 2023-results (due 4 May) where we expect continued strong sales and profitability while the outlo...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s announced order of SEK40m coming as an initial order following signing of a new contract covering an entire arm...
Record Q4 ended with ATH order book and optimistic outlook EBIT +14-21%, '23e: 25% org.
Redeye updates on Invisio following its Q4-results which came in much better than expected.
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q4-results which came in much stronger than expected as the company ended the year with record high sales while...
Q4 even better than expected, sales +15% vs cons, EBIT +50% Guides for strong sales growth and order intake in 2023 Estimates up +5% for con...
Redeye comments on Invisio ahead of its Q4-results (due 13 February) where we expect continued strong revenue growth and order intake.
SEK 40m Intercom order from existing EU customer Strong order intake, ATH backlog & margin expansion ahead 63x EV/EBIT 2023e, 39x 2024e for ...
Order momentum continues to be strong in 2022 Invisio continues its steady order announcements with today's order of SEK 40m from an existin...
Redeye updates on Invisio after the company's Q3-results which showed solid growth and improved profitability in line with our expectations.
Q3 seems to be the start of a stronger period 2023-24e sales +3%, adj.
Q3 sales grew 26% organically, +2% vs cons Guides for strong Q4 & H1 2023 from ATH order book Consensus estimates likely up ~5% Q3 details ...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q3-results which showed strong growth and revenue slightly above our expectations while earnings were largely i...
Redeye comments on Invisio ahead of its Q3-results (due 27 October) where we expect a sequential improvement after a weak first half of 2022...
We expect 36% order growth & 30% sales growth in Q3e EBIT margins to improve from here 44x 2023e EV/EBIT on 14% EBIT margin Good order ac...
Redeye is updating its estimates and valuation of Invisio after the Q2 report, which came in weaker than expected due to higher costs for ma...
Redeye uppdaterar estimat och värdering på Invisio efter Q2-rapporten som kom in svagare än väntat pga ökade kostnader för marknadsföringsak...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s announcement of an order for its Intercom system worth SEK13m which is the second announced commercial volume o...
Delayed deliveries in Q2 but record-high order book Sales -1-2% and higher opex cut EBIT by 9-37% Share at 7x EV/sales and 35x EV/adj.
Q2 sales -7% vs cons and EBIT SEK -8m vs cons 9m The higher activity remains, H2 sales to be better than H1 Limited sales revisions, EBIT li...
Redeye comments on Invisio’s Q2-report where revenue came in close to our expectations while results were lower than expected.
Redeye comments in Invisio ahead of its Q2-results (due 22 July) where we expect performance to remain sluggish while the outlook for H2’22 ...