INVISIO: Good Q4 orders and updated TAM - ABG

Q4 already pre-announced, orders +18% vs cons
TAM updated from SEK 14bn to 25bn (+80%)
Positive 2025 outlook on sales and orders, estimates up 5-10%
Q4 details
Sales and EBIT already pre-announced (link), order intake SEK 549m (46% vs ABG 375m, 18% vs cons 466m), DPS SEK 2.30 (47% vs ABG 1.56, 13% vs cons 2.04). Updates total addressable market after a few years of strong growth and complimentary technology acquisitions, from SEK 14bn to SEK 25bn (up 80%). A more mature and modernized military market plus extensive product development justifying increased average prices per user and system, are the main drivers.
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