INVISIO: Q1 somewhat soft on EBIT - ABG

EBIT -16% vs cons (SEK 50m vs 60m) and order intake -4% vs cons
80% of order book expected to be delivered next 12 months
Demand remains high, estimates and share slightly down today
Q1 details
Sales SEK 308m (2% vs ABG 302m, -3% vs cons 317m). EBIT SEK 50m (-9% vs ABG 55m, -16% vs cons 60m). EBIT margin 16.4% (ABG 18.3%, cons 18.9%). Order intake SEK 673m (-9% vs ABG 740m, -4% vs cons 701m). Organic sales growth 0% (ABG -3%), and gross margin in line with expectations and an improvement vs Q4 (61.0% vs ABG 60.5%, cons 60.6%).
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