PW: Q1 EBIT below Q4 of SEK -28m Large negative effects from wood, FX and CTMP Higher wood costs and weaker USD affect all P&P players negat...
Q4 below, Q1 likely better Pulp prices rising amid price hikes Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Q4 below, Q1 likely better EBIT was SEK -28m, ...
EBIT SEK -28m vs. ABG SEK -25m — lower volumes Q1 likely better — no maintenance Conference call at 12 CET EBIT SEK -28m vs.
Q4e: clean EBIT of ~SEK -90m, Q1 should be better Pulp prices down, but hikes announced Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh This is our earnings ...
EBIT SEK 40m vs. ABG SEK 47m; Q4e likely weaker Pulp moving into more challenging territory – prices down Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Q3 ...
EBIT SEK 40m vs. ABG SEK 47m — higher costs, lower volumes Q4 likely weaker driven by maintenance Conference call at 12 CET EBIT SEK 40m vs...
- EBIT SEK 30m vs. ABGSCe SEK 63m; Q3e likely better - Pulp prices at ATHs, but may have peaked short-term - Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh F...
- EBIT SEK 30m vs. ABG SEK 63m - Q3 likely stronger — Rottneros Mill maintenance moved to Q4 - Conference call at 12 CET EBIT SEK 30m vs.
Our earnings bridge We expect Q2 clean EBIT of ~SEK 63m, up from SEK 5m in Q1'24 and SEK 57m in Q2’23.
Q1: Clean EBIT of SEK 5m, production issues Pulp prices move higher, demand stronger Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Q1: Figures below due to...
Bra leveranser, högre försäljningspriser, men kraftigt fall i produktionen Q1-resultatet påverkades kraftigt negativt av produktionsstörning...
- Clean EBIT SEK 5m vs. ABG SEK 37m - Q2 likely stronger than Q1 - Conference call at 12 CET Clean EBIT SEK 5m vs.
Q1e: Clean EBIT of ~SEK 37m Pulp prices move higher, demand stronger Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Our earnings bridge We expect Q1 clean E...
Q4: Clean EBIT of SEK -100m Pulp prices up and demand better Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Q4: Figures below expectations Q4 clean EBIT was...
Q4 EBIT -100mkr Q4 påverkades kraftigt negativt av låga massapriser, höga råvarupriser och underhållsstoppet i Vallviks bruk.
Clean EBIT SEK -100m vs. ABGSCe SEK -20m Q1 likely stronger than Q4 Conference call at 12 CET Clean EBIT SEK -100m vs.
Q4e: Clean EBIT of SEK -20m Pulp prices up and demand better Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Pulp better, but costs up We expect Q4 clean EBI...
Solid Q3-rapport visar på styrka i fokus på nischprodukter En stark volymutveckling och en god kostnadskontroll genererade en EBIT på 49 mkr...
Q3: Large volume-driven beat Pulp prices on the rise Fair value range: SEK 9-16/sh Q3: Figures well above expectations Q3 clean EBIT of SEK...
Clean EBIT SEK 49m vs. ABGSCe SEK -28m Q4 likely weaker than Q3 Conference call at 12 CET Clean EBIT SEK 49m vs.
Q3e: Clean EBIT of SEK -28m Pulp futures sharply up – Chinese pulp prices up 19% Fair value range: SEK 8-16/sh Pulp/pulpwood spread will be...
Q2-resultatet indikerar kraftig lönsamhetspress Omsättningen sjönk med 13% y/y till 681 mkr (784) och EBIT var 41 mkr (219), vilket resulter...
• Q2: Clean EBIT of SEK 57m vs. ABGSCe of SEK 62m • European pulp prices down -20-40% from the peak • Fair value range: SEK 8-14/sh Q2: Clea...
• Clean EBIT SEK 57 vs. ABGSCe SEK 62m • Q3 EBIT likely SEK -20-50m • Conference call at 12 CET Clean EBIT SEK 57m vs.
• Q2e: EBIT of SEK 62m • European pulp prices down -20-40% from the peak • Fair value range: SEK 10-15/sh Pulp/pulpwood margin squeeze to in...
Q1-resultatet signalerar en stabil start på året Nettoomsättningen ökade med 13% till 744 mkr (660) och EBIT var 149 mkr (145), vilket resul...
Q1: EBIT SEK 149m vs. ABGSCe of SEK 90m Chinese NBSK import price down ~20% YTD Fair value range: SEK 10-15/sh Q1: Better prices, better vo...
Clean EBIT SEK 149m vs. ABGSCe 90m New investments in CTMP and renewable energy Conference call at 12:00 CET Clean EBIT SEK 149m vs.
Q1e: EBIT of SEK 90mChinese NBSK import price down ~20% YTDFair value range: SEK 10-15/sh (11-16)Q1e: Still some cost pressure from pulpwood...
Rekordstarkt 2022, men tecken på avmattning Nettoomsättningen ökade med 22% till 730 mkr i Q4 y/y, vilket var i linje med vår prognos.
Q4 EBIT of SEK 1m Pulp prices down but market balance is tight Fair value range: SEK 11-16/sh (12-17) Q4: A messy quarter Q4 EBIT was SEK 1...
Q4e clean EBIT SEK 140m Pulp prices down but market balance is tight Fair value range: SEK 12-17/sh (10-15) Q4e: EBIT SEK 140m We expect Ro...
Rekordresultat i tredje kvartalet Nettoomsättningen ökade med 41 procent till 806 mkr och EBIT ökade med 145 procent till 247 mkr, exklusive...
Will close down its groundwood pulp line at year-end Invests SEK 160-200m into a new CTMP line CTMP line fully funded from hedge realization...
Rekordresultat i Q2 Rottneros rapporterade en EBIT på 219 mkr i Q2, +126 procent y/y.
Q2: all-time high EBIT of SEK 219m Pulp prices in Europe at ATH, more supply into '23 Fair value range of SEK 10-15/share Q2: all-time high ...
Q2 EBIT SEK 219n vs. ABGSCe SEK 159m Deliveries 6% above, realized prices 10% above Webcast today at 13.
Q2e EBIT of SEK 159m Pulp prices at ATH, but more supply into ‘23e Fair value range of SEK 10-15/share Q2 EBIT likely up q-o-q (higher pulp ...
Starkt resultat i Q1'22 Rottneros levererade ett rörelseresultat på 145 mkr i Q1'22, upp från 40 mkr i Q1'21.
Q1 EBIT was SEK 145m Pulp prices in Europe back to all-time highs Fair value range of SEK 10-15/share Q1 EBIT was SEK 145m Q1 EBIT of SEK 1...
Rottneros annonserar joint venture med Arctic Paper i Polen Rottneros och Arctic Paper har beslutat att investera EUR 15m i en fabrik för fo...
Q4'21 Rottneros rapporterade EBIT om 58 mkr i Q4'21, upp betydligt y/y jämfört med -95 mkr i Q4'20, men lägre än de 101 mkr som rapporterade...
Starkt Q3'21 Rottneros rapporterade EBIT om 101 mkr i Q3'21, att jämföra med 4 mkr i Q3'20 och 97 mkr i Q2'21.
Högre priser börjar få genomslag i resultatet Rottneros rapporterade EBIT om 97 mkr i Q2'21, att jämföra med 2 mkr i Q2'20 och 11 mkr i Q1'2...
Vi inleder bevakning av Rottneros. Vi initierar bevakning av Rottneros, en svensk producent av marknadsmassa med bruk i Rottneros (Värmland)...