The exercise price for warrants of series TO 3 has been set to SEK 0
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The exercise price for warrants of series TO 3 has been set to SEK 0.04 per new share

Carbiotix AB ("Carbiotix" or "the Company") hereby announces that the exercise price for the warrants of series TO 3 (”TO 3”), which were issued in connection with the rights issue of units the Company executed earlier during 2024, has been set. The exercise price for TO 3 has been set to SEK 0.04 per share and the exercise period commences on June 5th, 2024.

In January 2024, Carbiotix carried out a rights issue which brought the Company approximately SEK 11.2 million before issue costs. Through the rights issue, 53,163,522 warrants of series TO 3 were issued. Each TO 3 entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in Carbiotix during the exercise period, which runs June 5-19, 2024. The exercise price for TO 3 has been set at SEK 0.04 per share. In the event of full utilization of warrants of series TO 3, approximately SEK 2.1 million will be added to the Company before issue costs.

Upon full utilization of TO 3, the number of shares in Carbiotix will increase by 53,163,522 shares to a total of 233,390,317 shares and the share capital will increase by SEK 797,452.83 to SEK 3,500,854.755. The dilution at full utilization amounts to approximately 22.8 percent of the capital and votes.

Complete terms and instructions for warrants of series TO 3 are available on the Company's website ( An information sheet containing summary information about the warrant exercise will be available on Carbiotix, Sedermera Corporate Finance AB's ( and Nordic Issuing AB's ( respective websites in connection with the initiation of the exercise period.

Important dates
• 5 June 2024: Exercise period commences
• 17 June 2024: Last day of trading in TO 3
• 19 June 2024: Exercise period ends
• 20 June 2024: Planned date for publication of outcome of the exercise
• 4 July 2024: Planned date for change from interim shares to shares

In connection with the warrant exercise, Carbiotix has engaged Sedermera Corporate Finance AB as financial advisor, Markets & Corporate Law Nordic AB as legal advisor and Nordic Issuing AB as issuing agent.

For more information about the warrants, please contact:
Sedermera Corporate Finance AB
Tel: +46 (0)40 615 14 10

For more information, please contact:
Erik Deaner, CEO
Tel: +46 (0)73-867 30 85

About Carbiotix
Carbiotix AB (CRBX) ( is an award-winning biotechnology company pioneering microbiome heathcare through a portfolio of prebiotic modulators, upcycling services, and diagnostic testing services.

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