Swiss Properties Invest A/S: Publication of the Company's Annual Report 2023
Company Announcement No. 1-2024
Copenhagen, April 5, 2024.
The board of directors of Swiss Properties Invest A/S has today approved the Company’s annual report for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
2023 was the company’s first full year as a listed company and it has been a very successful year.
The company was listed on the 14th of July 2022 on Nasdaq Firth North Growth Market Denmark with the promise to build a portfolio of 6 - 8 commercial properties over a two-year period using the proceeds from the initial public offering (IPO). It took less than half a year to build a portfolio of 7 commercial properties - and property number 8 was added one and a half years after the IPO.
All properties met our acquisition criteria resulting in our activities already reaching a level in line with our expectations for the year 2030 as outlined in our IPO prospectus.
Selected 2023 key figures:
- Gross profit reached DKK 20.2m
- Operating profit was DKK 25.0m
- Fair value adjustments of investment properties were DKK 6.1m
- Profit after tax for the year reached DKK 13.3m
- Equity at DKK 252.4m
- Book value of properties at DKK 624.3m
- Book value per share at DKK 110,46
- Share price (31.12.2023) at DKK 94,00
Due to the acquisitions of the properties in Weinfelden, Schwerzenbach and Liestal financial costs for 2023 were greater than forecasted. The effect of the higher than projected financial costs was offset by lower than projected employee costs and tax.
Projections for the coming years are as presented in the prospectus.
The annual report 2023 is attached.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S, which was founded on 8 October 2021, is the Danish holding company of the wholly owned subsidiary Swiss Properties Invest AG (CHE-422,631,240), which were founded on 30 November 2021. The purpose of Swiss Properties Invest AG is to own, operate, optimize, and develop a portfolio of attractive commercial properties for renting out commercial space in selected regions (cantons) in Switzerland with the aim of creating shareholder value to its investors.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S
Kirsten Sillehoved, CEO
Mobile (+45) 52 40 71 52
E-mail kirsten@swisspropertiesinvest,dk
Schleppegrellsgade 8
2200 Copenhagen N
Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310),
Poul Bundgaards Vej 1, 1.,
DK-2500 Valby,
tlf. +45 3345 1000