Maria Rengefors appointed new Board Member at Swedbank Robur - Börskollen
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Maria Rengefors appointed new Board Member at Swedbank Robur


As of March 6, 2025, Maria Rengefors has been appointed as a new board member of Swedbank Robur, expanding the board to a total of six members. She brings extensive experience from the financial and asset management industry, including her previous role as Head of Branch at Nordea Funds.

"We are absolutely delighted to welcome Maria Rengefors to the Board. She brings extensive experience in the financial industry and asset management, along with a strong commitment to driving the fund industry in a positive and sustainable direction. The expanded Board also strengthens our ability to continue preparing and reinforcing Swedbank Robur for the future," says Joachim Spetz, Chair of the Board at Swedbank Robur.

Maria Rengefors joined Swedbank Robur’s Board as a new member on March 6, 2025.

"Maria Rengefors’s strong expertise and experience will be a great asset to our business and future growth. Her deep industry knowledge and keen customer focus align perfectly with our ambition to develop competitive offerings that create long-term value—for our investors, the companies we invest in, and society at large—while keeping our savers’ future at the core of our mission," says Liza Jonson, CEO at Swedbank Robur.

Swedbank Robur’s Board of Directors as of 6th of March 2025:
Joachim Spetz (Chair)
Lennart Jacobsen (vice Chair)
Gunilla Nyström (Member)
Lars Afrell (Member)
Maria Rengefors (Member)
Monica Åsmyr (Member)

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