Major shareholder announcement
Company announcement no. 44 - 23
25 August 2023
Major shareholder announcement
Pursuant to Section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S (“NTG”) hereby announces receipt of the following notification pursuant to Section 38 of the Danish Capital Markets Act and Section 55 of the Danish Companies Act.
H5 Capital A/S
Pursuant to the Danish Capital Markets Act Section 38 and the Danish Companies Act Section 55, H5 Capital A/S (CVR no. 37454893) hereby notifies that it has decreased its holding of shares in NTG and that its total holding as per 24 August 2023 is 3,100,047 shares, equivalent to 13.69% of the total share capital and voting rights of NTG.
Additional information
For additional information, please contact:
Investor relations: Christian D. Jakobsen, Group CFO | +45 42 12 80 99 [email protected] |
Press: Camilla Marcher Lydom, Investor Relations & Corporate Communication Manager | +45 42 12 80 90 [email protected] |