Karnov Group appoints new Chief Financial Officer

Karnov Group AB (publ) has today appointed Magnus Hansson as the new Chief Financial Officer of Karnov Group. Former CFO Jonas Olin will continue to work within Karnov Group but due to health reasons assume the role as Senior Adviser Group Finance and continue to fully focus on the integration of Region South. Magnus Hansson will assume the position as CFO on 1 June 2023.
Magnus Hansson is a business leader with solid experience from building up finance functions and taking companies public. He comes from the position as CFO of Lime Technologies AB, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. His formal education includes a Master’s degree in accounting and finance from Jönköpings Handelshögskola.
“I am pleased to appoint Magnus Hansson as the new CFO of Karnov Group and look forward to welcome him onboard. He will be a valuable asset in our group management with his experience from large organisations, leadership and not least his strong qualities within financial management”, says Pontus Bodelsson, President and CEO of Karnov Group.
“In parallel, I am pleased that Jonas Olin has decided to stay within Karnov Group and assume the role as Senior Advisor Group Finance. He will be a strong support to the group management being hands-on with the integration of Region South”, adds Pontus Bodelsson.
Magnus Hansson will assume the role as CFO on 1 June 2023. Leif Mårtensson will remain the Interim CFO until 31 May 2023.
For more information, please contact:
Pontus Bodelsson, President and CEO
Telephone: +46 709 957 002
Email: [email protected]
Erik Berggren, Head of Investor Relations
Telephone: +46 707 597 668
Email: [email protected]
This information was submitted for publication on 21 December 2022 at 12:15 CET.
Karnov Group clears the path to justice, providing mission critical knowledge and workflow solutions to European professionals in the areas of legal, tax and accounting, and environmental, health and safety. With content provided by over 7,000 well-renowned authors and experts, Karnov Group delivers knowledge and insights, enabling more than 500,000 users to make better decisions, faster – every day. With offices in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Spain and Portugal, Karnov Group employs around 1,300 people. The Karnov share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap segment under the ticker “KAR”. For more information, please visit www.karnovgroup.com.