Join MTI in our January investor trip to Zanzibar - Börskollen
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Join MTI in our January investor trip to Zanzibar


STONE TOWN, ZANZIBAR - Welcome to join the MTI investor trip to Zanzibar during January 15-18, 2023.

Welcome to the 2023 MTI Investor Trip in collaboration with SWEACC  to Zanzibar, Tanzania, on January 15-18. The event is open to all investors with an interest in East Africa. The weather is expected to be nice and sunny. Join alone, or bring a partner or interested child. They will all be able to enjoy this trip. This time we will have a special focus on sustainable tourism, but also areas like sustainable agro-business, food chain, and also real estate. We will of course visit with entrepreneurs and managers of our other investments, in addition to other stakeholders in the region. We will hands-on witness the growth of East Africa and also learn both more about the challenges and opportunities.

You will have the opportunity to enjoy and experience the culture of Tanzania, the food, the people, the sun, and if you hang around longer also the pristine white sands and turquoise waters. We can guide you to the hotels which use our waste management company.

Cost: SEK 7 000 incl. VAT including all local transportation around the island, conference venue, and food, but excluding alcoholic beverages, hotel, and flights. Eventbrite adds a service fee. Book now to secure a ticket at a reasonable price, currently starting at SEK 7 900.


To book a spot, please go to our Eventbrite page

For additional information
Pontus Engström, CEO, MTI Investment SE
+46 70 716 55 38

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About MTI Investment
MTI Investment SE is a Nordic investment and venture building company, founded in 2014 by a team with extensive experience in emerging markets with the aim of investing in East African small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") with high value-adding potential. The Company is active in the expansive East African market, and by being a long-term and active owner, MTI Investment helps its portfolio companies grow faster and become more profitable. The Company invests primarily in innovative and scalable companies that have the potential for a significant positive impact on society.


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