Embla Medical hf: Initiating New Share Buyback Program - Börskollen
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Embla Medical hf: Initiating New Share Buyback Program

Announcement no. 3/2025

7 February 2025

Reykjavik, Iceland/Copenhagen, Denmark, February 7, 2025. Embla Medical (Nasdaq Copenhagen: EMBLA), a leading global provider of innovative mobility solutions, today announced that the Company has decided to initiate a new share buyback program (the “Program”) on Monday, 10 February 2025.

The Program will be carried out in accordance with Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse ("MAR"), and the Commission’s delegated regulation 2016/1052. The purpose of the Program is to reduce the Company’s share capital and adjust the capital structure by distributing capital to shareholders in line with the Company’s Capital Structure and Capital Allocation Policy.

The Company may purchase up to 2,000,000 shares under the Program, corresponding to 0.47% of the current share capital. The total consideration for shares purchased under the Program shall not exceed USD 10 million. The daily purchase shall not exceed 25% of the average volume in the 20 trading days before the purchase on the regulated market where the transaction is carried out. The purchase price shall not be higher than the price of the last independent trade or the highest current independent bid, whichever is higher, on the regulated market where the transaction is carried out.

The Program will be managed by Nordea, which shall make its trading decisions independently and without influence by the Company with regards to the timing of the purchases. The Company’s purchases under the Program shall be disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations. The Program will end no later than 31 December 2025, but the Company is entitled to discontinue the Program at any time. The Program has been initiated according to an authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2024 to initiate share buyback programs.

The Company also reserves the right to buy back shares in block trades outside the Program with the aim of maintaining a healthy balance sheet with a target range of 2-3x NIBD/EBITDA. Such transactions will only be made outside “black-out periods”, i.e., not within 30 days prior to publication of the Company’s quarterly financial results, and when no insider information is available. Such transactions will be announced immediately after they have been carried out.

According to an authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2024, the Company can purchase own shares of up to 10% of the Company’s share capital as it is each time. The authorization states that the purchase price shall not be higher than the price of the last independent trade or the highest current independent bid, whichever is higher, on the regulated market where the transaction is carried out. The authorization is valid until 13 September 2026.

Further information

Klaus Sindahl, Head of Investor Relations, [email protected], +45 5363 0134

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About Embla Medical

Embla Medical (Nasdaq Copenhagen: EMBLA) was founded in Reykjavik in 1971 with the mission to improve people's mobility. Embla Medical is home to several brands renowned for positively impacting people's health and well-being. They include Össur, a leading global provider of prosthetics and bracing and supports solutions; FIOR & GENTZ, an innovative developer of neuro orthotics; and College Park Industries, creators of custom-built prosthetic solutions. Embla Medical also provides patients with world-class care through a global network of Orthotic and Prosthetic (O&P) facilities. Embla Medical is committed to sustainable business practices and is signatory to the UN Global Compact, UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The company's climate targets have been verified by the Science Based Targets initiative. Embla Medical operates globally and has more than 4,000 employees. www.emblamedical.com

Embla Medical was formerly listed as Össur (OSSR) on Nasdaq Copenhagen until 8 April 2024.

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20250207 Embla PR Initiation New Share Buyback Programhttps://mb.cision.com/Main/18404/4102234/3251854.pdf

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