Embellence Group presents at Stora Aktiedagen - Börskollen
Börskollen - Aktier, fonder och ekonominyheter


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Embellence Group presents at Stora Aktiedagen

Embellence Group, through CEO Olle Svensk, will present the company's latest quarterly report as well as the strategy to reach its targets and dealing with the prevailing global challenges.

November 7 at 2:30 p.m., Embellence Group participates in Aktiespararna’s event Stora Aktiedagen. Olle Svensk, CEO, will present Embellence Group and answer your questions.

Embellence Group invites you as a journalist, analyst and shareholder to take part in the live broadcast at www.aktiespararna.se/tv/live. The event is open to everyone and does not require any membership in Aktiespararna. No registration is required to follow the event digitally. Use the opportunity to ask your questions to Olle, by sending an SMS to +46 793 47 98 45 or email event@aktiespararna.se. Your questions will be conveyed by Aktiespararna’s moderator during the Q&A session that follows the presentation. You can submit your questions now or during the presentation.

When: November 7
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Live broadcast: www.aktiespararna.se/tv/live

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Embellence Group presents at Stora Aktiedagen (PDF)https://mb.cision.com/Main/19125/3659020/1646658.pdf

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