Eastnine strengthens the management group
Eastnine strengthens the management group with Emil Holmström, Chief Investment Officer, Eric Stadler, as Head of Finance, Julius Niedvaras, Country Manager in Lithuania and Janis Meiers, Country Manager in Latvia, who are all existing employees in Eastnine. After the appointments the management group consists of six persons, also including Eastnine’s CEO Kestutis Sasnauskas and CFO/Deputy CEO Britt-Marie Nyman.
“The rapid growth of Eastnine has meant that it is time to expand our management team. I am very happy and proud that Emil, Eric, Julius and Janis will be part of the management group and contribute with long-term expertise in the company to take us to the next level”, says Kestutis Sasnauskas.
Eastnine AB (publ)
For more information contact:
Kestutis Sasnauskas, CEO, +46 8 505 97 700
Britt-Marie Nyman, CFO and Deputy CEO, +46 70 224 29 35
Visit www.eastnine.com