DonkeyRepublic Holding A/S – Resolutions from extraordinary general meeting
DonkeyRepublic Holding A/S A/S (“Donkey Republic" or the "Company”), CVR no. 35678263, held an extraordinary general meeting electronically.
The general meeting was convened in order to elect two new members to the board of Donkey Republic:
- Marina Kolesnik Co-Founder, COO at UniVirtual.Academy.
- Laurent Mercat, Consultant, President of TELISOL, Consultant and Founder of SMOOVE
All proposals presented to the general meeting were adopted.
Henrik Starup and Sascha Hausmann resigned from the board of directors.
The board of directors now consists of:
- Caroline Søeborg Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille, Chairman
- Erik Wenngren
- Jesper Lilledal
- Jens Kramer Mikkelsen
- Marina Kolesnik (new)
- Laurent Merchant (new)