Dignitana joins Susan G. Komen® for signature event in Los Angeles

Kicking off Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dignitana will sponsor the annual Susan G. Komen® Los Angeles County MORE THAN PINK Walk® on 8 October 2022. More than 5,000 breast cancer survivors and supporters will walk in downtown Los Angeles to raise funds for breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.
“Susan G Komen is the leading breast cancer organization in the world, and we share a common commitment to supporting the well-being of breast cancer patients. Our participation in the More Than Pink Walk puts us in front of several thousand active members of the breast cancer community, increasing awareness of DigniCap’s benefits to quality of life and building vital connections with this influential group,” said Dignitana CEO Catarina Mård Löwenadler.
Southern California has been a primary market for Dignitana since the company first introduced FDA-cleared scalp cooling to the United States in 2015. DigniCap is now available in 17 infusion centers in the Los Angeles area including City of Hope, Cedars-Sinai, UCLA, USC, The Angeles Clinic, Beverly Hills Cancer Center, Providence Health, cCare, Pomona Valley, and Long Beach Memorial.
The Los Angeles MORE THAN PINK WALK aims to raise $500,000. Since its founding, Komen has funded more than $1 billion in research and invested more than $2.3 billion to provide screening, diagnostics, education, treatment, and psychosocial support to people in communities across the U.S. and in 60 countries worldwide. Dignitana is a proud supporter of Susan G. Komen and their mission to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.
 Tori's Story | Los Angeles MORE THAN PINK WALK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAup4bEkbKk