Freetrailer's operating profit above expectations.
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Freetrailer's operating profit above expectations.

Freetrailer's operating profit above expectations.

Pinpointkonsensus ahead of Freetrailer's Q1-report is based on 26 estimates.

Net sales
Freetrailer Group reported net sales of 33,25 MDKK, an increase of 25.7% from the previous year's 26,49 MDKK. Compared to the Pinpoint consensus of 34,11 MDKK the result is in line with expectations with a difference of -2.4%

EBIT amounted to 9.72 MDKK, an increase of 34.4% from the previous year's 7.23 MDKK. Compared to the Pinpoint consensus of 7.71 MDKK the result is above expectations with a difference of 26.1%.

The result corresponds to a margin 29.23% compared to 27.29% the previous year and the expected 22.6%.

Pinpoint Estimates is an open platform that compiles estimates from investors and analysts ahead of publicly traded companies' quarterly and annual reports. Contributors are given different weights in the consensus based on their historical accuracy.

