Q-linea Q4 2023: Intensive period ahead of a momentous year - Redeye

Q-linea has finished 2023 and also started 2024 with plenty of action. A new CEO, Stuart Gander, has been appointed; the company has secured a 5-year tender in Italy, published two supportive studies, added distribution partners in Finland, the Baltics and Benelux, has placed the Podler program in a separate entity and installed two ASTar systems in the US. However, Q4 is also a reminder that sales must take off during 2024 and 2025. The OPEX base is still substantial at SEK 54m ahead of the announced saving program of SEK 50m or approximately 25% of the recent run rate to full effect by mid-2024. Our base case ahead of Q4 was SEK 9 (Bull SEK 30 and Bear SEK 2).
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/986712/q-linea-q4-2023-intensive-period-ahead-of-a-momentous-year?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS