Össur: Q1 likely to be a non-event - ABG

Q1'23e should be solid...
.. but few strategic updates likely after CMD in March
Therefore, the report should be neutral for the share
ABGSCe USD 186m sales in Q1 vs. cons. of USD 181m
We expect a solid Q1, with overall sales of USD 186m (3% above company-collected consensus) and EBITDA of USD 31m (7% above cons. of USD 29m). The sales expectations correspond to y-o-y sales growth of 9.3% (cons. 8.2%), which we expect will be driven by B&S and Prosthetics in particular.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/ossur/Equity-research/2023/4/ossur---q1-likely-to-be-a-non-event/