ODI Pharma: Increased Import Quota in Poland Set to Drive Growth in 2025 - Analyst Group
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ODI Pharma: Increased Import Quota in Poland Set to Drive Growth in 2025 - Analyst Group


ODI Pharma AB:s (”ODI Pharma” or the ”Company”) past two quarters has been affected by import restrictions in Poland, which is now resolved, as the Polish government nearly doubled the import quota for medical cannabis for 2025, driven by a rapidly growing demand. As ODI Pharma is the exclusive supply partner to one of the leading pharmaceutical brands in Poland, the Company is expected to capitalize on this. With estimated net sales of SEK 85.3m by 2025/2026, an applied P/S multiple of 2.4x, and a discount rate of 13.7%, a potential present value per share of SEK 10.8 (12.3) is derived in a Base scenario.

Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://analystgroup.se/analyser/odi-pharma-3/

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