Mendus: Positive Phase II results for DCP-001 in AML - Edison

Mendus has reported encouraging survival data from its Phase II ADVANCE II study, assessing its lead cancer vaccine candidate, DCP-001, as a maintenance monotherapy in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients with measurable residual disease (MRD). At a median follow-up of 19.4 months, median relapse-free survival (mRFS) had not been reached, with 12 out of 20 patients still in complete disease remission, and median overall survival (mOS) was recorded as 30.9 months. In our view, these results represent a significant improvement over existing standard of care AML maintenance therapy, azacitidine (mRFS: 7.1 months; mOS: 14.6 months). Additionally, an increased tumour immune response was observed in 17 out of 20 patients, supportive of DCP-001’s immune stimulating mechanism of action. With limited treatment options available in the AML maintenance setting, we view the ADVANCE II data as highly positive, providing important proof of concept of DCP-001’s clinical utility in AML. We value Mendus at SEK1.8bn or SEK9.1 per share.
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