Isofol Medical Intensifying precommercial activities - DNB

Isofol Medical reported a Q3 operating loss of SEK52m, fairly in line with our forecast loss of SEK49m. The financial position remains solid with end-Q3 cash of SEK421m, which should take the company into 2023e. The next milestone in the ongoing phase III study is when 300 PFS events have occurred, enabling analysis of the data to begin; however, visibility on timing is murky but estimated around end-2021 or early 2022. Top-line data is expected in H1 2022 with a possible approval in H2 2023. The company continues to ramp up its precommercial activities to ensure a swift launch on potential approval. Our estimates are largely unchanged post-Q3 and we reiterate our SEK13–23 fair value.
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