Freemelt: Getting its name out there - ABG

Sales SEK 7.6m (12.2m), adj. EBIT SEK -18.0m (-8.6m)
Several strategic agreements signed, investing and marketing
Roll-out of eMELT-iD in '24, expect 5-10 machines, first in Q2
Q4: higher investments and focus on marketing
Sales were SEK 7.6m (12.2m), down 37% y-o-y, and included two Freemelt ONE sales and one leased machine, leaving the order book at SEK 1.8m at the end of the quarter. However, in Q1 an additional order has been received. Adj. EBIT was SEK -18.0m (-8.6m) as the company saw increased costs related to eMELT development. Net income was SEK -17.0m (-8.6m) and FCF was SEK -13.1m (-2.9m), leaving the cash balance at SEK 34m, compared to R12m FCF of SEK -42m. Several important agreements were signed by the company, including one with a global Fortune 500 technology company for the manufacturing of tungsten components, a collaboration agreement with Texas A&M regarding industrialisation of 3D printing in the US, and a strategic collaboration with WEAREAM, aiming to accelerate the adoption of industrial 3D printing. The latter will involve the installation of an eMELT-iD machine at WEAREAM's facility.
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