Efecte: Q3 preview and takeaways from D&A 2022 - Redeye - Börskollen
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Efecte: Q3 preview and takeaways from D&A 2022 - Redeye


Redeye retains its positive view on Efecte following the Digitalize and Automate 2022 event, with the highlight being the news about integrating Inteliwise and Effie AI. We believe the event clarified the logic of the combined offering, and our view of the acquisition has improved. For Q3, we expect a stable report in line with management’s targets.

Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/857833/efecte-q3-preview-and-takeaways-from-da-2022?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS

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