DistIT: Recovery in the hands of EFUEL - ABG

'23e-'25e adj. EBIT cut by 32-3%
Q1'23 inventory write-down of SEK 20m
'24e EV/EBIT 10x
Q1'23 results
Q1'23 was broadly in line with our expectations, with Q1 sales 1% above our estimates, while EBITDA adjusted for NRIs (SEK 0.3m) and inventory write-downs (SEK 20m) was only 0.2m below our estimated SEK 2.6m. For the quarter, the largest segment, Aurdel generated SEK 395m in sales and an adj. EBIT of -6m, which was in line with what we expected. In the first half of the quarter, EFUEL was still an active distributor of Easee's charging boxes, but after the sales ban on Easee's charging boxes, EFUEL had to reorganise itself and find new partners in order to meaningfully resume operations.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/distit/Equity-research/2023/5/distit---recovery-in-the-hands-of-efuel/