Redeye updates on Gentoo Media post Q4-results where we see continued growth potential in the coming years supported by organic growth and a...
Strong Q4 organic growth and double-digit '25 target 10-8% EPS downgrades for '25e-'27e Trading well below peers at 5x '25e EV/EBITDA Stron...
Strong organic growth in Q4 at 18%, albeit 2% below ABGSCe Q4 adj.
Gentoo Media reported solid topline in Q4 while EBITDA was somewhat softer than expected, partly due to a higher marketing spend.
Q4e: organic growth acceleration to 20%, stable margin Small adj.
Redeye updates on Gentoo Media following Q3-results where we have made limited changes to estimates and the company looks set to deliver con...
Solid outlook remains for an acceleration in Q4 Limited sales and adj.
Q3 in line with pre-announcement Strong Q4 on the cards; 20% sales growth q-o-q No change to FY guidance, proving resilience Q3 in line wit...
Redeye comments on Gentoo Media’s Q3-results which were in line with the preliminary results announced on 25 October.
Redeye updates on Gentoo Media after its pre-announced Q3-results which was close to our forecast while the company reiterates its full year...
- Q3 trading update and reiterated FY guidance... - .
- Pre-announces Q3 sales 5% below ABGSCe... - ... and ~7% below on adj.
Redeye comments on Gentoo Media’s preliminary Q3-results which were close to expectations while the company also reiterates its guidance for...
Redeye updates on GiG following Q2-results which were overall close to our expectations and full focus is now on the split-up of the group w...
Media keeps delivering like clockwork, 18% organic growth in Q2 We remove Platform and Sportsbook from group P&L estimates Limited underlyin...
Q2 EBITDA 1% below cons on Sportsbook and Platform miss Decent start to Q3 with Media sales up 37% y-o-y No change to FY Media guidance, P&S...
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q2 results, which were overall close to our forecast although Media was stronger than expected while Platform & Spo...
Redeye updates on GiG ahead of Q2-results (due 28 August) where we expect continued stable performance from Media while we have also include...
- Q2: 8% organic sales growth, but adj. EBITA down 6% y-o-y - Platform & Sportsbook signings have begun to accelerate - Could see less of a ...
Redeye comments on GiG’s acquisition of the SEO and content service supplier Titan Inc, which is expected to bolster GiG’s SEO capabilities ...
Redeye updates on GiG following Q1-results which were lower than expected owing to somewhat softer growth in Media and weaker profitability ...
Media still growing ~20% organically despite a 'softer' quarter P&S weighing on revisions, but strong pipeline limits l-t cuts Trading at 6.
Urstark rapport från bolaget… Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 28m, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 52% y/y, varav av 21% var organ...
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q1-results which were softer than expected, owing to somewhat lower-than-expected acquired growth in Media and a la...
Q1 adj. EBITDA 18% below cons, primarily on Platform & Sportsbook Solid start to Q2 with Media sales up 19% organically in April Media FY gu...
Redeye comments on GiG ahead of its Q1-results (due 7 May) where we expect continued solid performance with growth driven by Media while Pla...
12% organic growth on tough P&S comps... ...while we expect an acceleration from Q2 Trading at ~6x '24e EV/EBITDA, 15% below peers avg.
Ny styrelse inför split GIG har tagit ytterligare ett steg inför den stundande spliten och utsett en ny styrelse för mediadelen av bolaget.
Redeye updates on GiG following its Q4-results which came in close to our expectations.
Stark leverans från båda affärsområdena Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 35,6m, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 37% varav 20% var o...
Media still shining, with 24% org. sales and 19% FTD growth Platform & Sportsbook pipeline doubled since end of Q3'23 Set for split before e...
Q4 adj. EBITDA sightly below expectations on accelerated costs Strong Media figures across the board, org.
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q4-results where revenue was slightly higher than expected while EBITDA was slightly lower than our forecast.
Q4e: 8% org. top line growth on tough comps Earnings growth remains very strong, adj.
Redeye comments on GiG ahead of its Q4-results (due 14 February) where we expect the company to deliver a solid year-end performance with st...
Redeye updates on GiG following its Q3-results which came in somewhat lower than expected.
Rör sig mot våra helårsestimat och guidning Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 31,8m, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 39%, varav 23% ...
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q3-results where revenue came in slightly weaker than expected while profitability was also lower than forecasted.
Redeye comments on GiG ahead of its Q3-results (due 8 November) where we expect continued sequential growth and margin improvement.
Redeye updates on GiG following its Q2-results which came in stronger than expected driven by strong profitability in the Platform & Sportsb...
Stark leverans från bolaget över samtliga segment Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 31,1m vs konsensus om 25,7m.
Q2 adj. EBITDA 6% above our estimates New '23 guidance, EUR 125-130m top line & 47-50% margin Share is trading at 9-6x '23e-'24e EV/EBITA Q2...
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q2-results which came in above expectations driven by strong profitability in Platform & Sportsbook.
Richard Carter will take the helm, joining on 18 SepExtensive experience, e.
Redeye comments on GiG ahead of its Q2-results (due 16 August) where we expect continued solid organic growth and M&A-driven growth supporte...
• Q2 to keep ~20% organic growth driven by both divisions • Margins continue to increase, 42% '23e-'25e adj.
GiG announced the departure of Richard Brown... ...
Redeye comments on GiG’s announcement that CEO Richard Brown will step down as CEO which comes on the back of the ongoing strategic review w...
Redeye updates on GiG following its Q1-results where topline was stronger than expected driven by the Platform segment which also saw solid ...
Rapport visar att bolaget rör sig mot våra estimat för 2023 Omsättningen i Q1 (EUR 28,4m) var i linje med våra förväntningar för att uppnå v...
Gaming Innovation Group's CEO, Richard Brown, has presented the quarterly report and answered questions from Redeye's analyst.
Strong platform performance drove 19% org. growth Outlook remains strong – limited adj.
Q1 key items are largely in line with expectations Expect limited total cons '23e adj.
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q1-results where topline growth was stronger than expected while results were close to our expectations.
Redeye comments on GiG ahead of its Q1-results (due 4 May) where focus will be on the acquisition of AskGamblers which should support growth...
Mediasegmentet starkt inför potentiell uppdelning Under kvartalet har GIG konsoliderat förvärvet av Askgamblers.
We expect a decent Q1 print driven by both divisions '23e-'25e adj.
GiG to potentially be split We look closer at each division, and industry peers 43% '22e-'25e adj.
Redeye updates on GiG following its Q4-results which came in slightly above expectations.
Fortsatt leverans från bolaget Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till EUR 26m, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 44%, varav 35% var organisk.
Solid Q4, but we trim '23e adj. EBITDA by 4% Exciting plans for a separate listing can unlock value Share is trading at '23e EV/EBITDA below...
Redeye comments on GiG’s Q4-results which came in somewhat higher than forecasted driven by strong performance in the Media Services segment...
Q4 3-6% above our and cons expected adj. EBITDA Limited cons estimate revisions expected Potential separation of Media and Platform Q4 deli...
Redeye updates on GiG ahead of its Q4-results (due 15 February) where we expect a strong quarter on the back of the FIFA WC supporting growt...
Q4: we expect adj. EBITDA at top end of '22 guidance Estimate changes mainly on AskGamblers acquisition Share is trading at '23e EV/EBITA of...
Redeye has updated estimates and valuation on GiG after the announced acquisitoin of Askgamblers which supports the company's target and our...
Förvärvar Ask Gamblers GIG har ingått avtal med Catena Media om att förvärva tillgångarna AskGamblers, John Slots, Newcasinos.
Seizes the opportunity to buy media assets from CTM Following Catena Media's strategic review, which included the consideration of divesting...
Redeye updates estimates and valuation on GiG post its Q3-results where the outcome was close to our expectations.
Omsättning och EBITDA i linje med våra estimat Omsättningen uppgick till EUR 22.