Redeye provides a comment on Freemelt’s new order from Saab.
Redeye comments on the outcome of Freemelt’s rights issue.
Redeye provides a brief comment on the final rights issue terms announced yesterday.
Preliminary Q4 sales SEK 8.2m, cash balance SEK 17m '25e-'26e sales and EBIT unchanged, EPS changes on lower SP Full Q4 report on 28 March, ...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s preliminary Q4 figures, which came in stronger than expected in terms of sales.
Announces some preliminary Q4 figures due to rights issue Sales SEK 8.
Q4 report postponed to 28 March due to rights issue Preliminary Q4 figures to be published around 27 January At current SP, we estimate 83m ...
Redeye comments on Freemelt ahead of its Q4 results.
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s plan to resolve a SEK100m rights issue, with 90% secured through subscription commitments and guarantee undert...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s agreement with another leading global orthopedic implant OEM.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Freemelt’s Q3 report, which came in above our expectations.
Deliveries and sales in line, somewhat lower costs than expected Update on development studies and stages, interest seems strong eMELT-iD sa...
Sales -2%, adj. EBIT +4m vs. FactSet consensus Better EBIT largely driven by improved cost control Expects to see increased volumes, with mu...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q3 results, which were roughly in line with expectations in terms of sales, while margins were better than ant...
Q3e: Two Freemelt ONE deliveries, sales SEK 9.3m, EBIT -24m Estimates down on slower-than-expected eMELT orders Remain confident in future s...
Redeye provides a brief comment on Freemelt's order from a global orthopedic implant OEM, marking a significant step toward becoming a trust...
Redeye comments on Freemelt ahead of its Q3 results, due on 5 November.
Q2 sales low due to delivery delay, SEK 12m already secure for H2 Elevated opex due to new and replaced personnel, as well as eMELT Sales la...
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Freemelt’s Q2 report, which came in below our expectations due to the timing effect of ...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q2 results, which came in lower than expected because some anticipated printer orders were not delivered durin...
Sales SEK 2.4m vs. cons. 13m due to incomplete eMELT-iD delivery EBIT adj.
Q2e: one eMELT-iD and two Freemelt ONE deliveries Sales of SEK 13.
Redeye comments on Freemelt ahead of its Q2 results, due on 6 August.
Redeye provides a brief comment on the new partnership with Mid Sweden University and Sandvik.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Freemelt’s Q1 report, which fell below expectations due to no printer deliveries in the...
Q1: sales SEK 0.82m, adj. EBIT -12m, no deliveries Q2 to be more eventful, SEK 12m of orders announced First eMELT in Q2, Saab and UKAEA pro...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q1 results, which came in lower than expected in terms of sales due to no printer delivery in the quarter.
No deliveries in Q1 compared to one Freemelt ONE expected Opex being kept under control despite investments First eMELT order received in Q2...
Q1e: one Freemelt ONE delivery, SEK 4.9m sales, SEK -8.
Redeye has interviewed Freemelt’s regional presidents of the Americas and EMEA.
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s new order from UKAEA, which deepens Freemelt’s position within the fusion energy sector.
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s first industrial printer (eMelt) order in the US and provides a preview ahead of the company’s Q1 results (due...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s new order from Saab Dynamics.
Redeye comments on today’s news where Freemelt announced its intention to carry out a fully secured rights issue of SEK66m.
Sales SEK 7.6m (12.2m), adj. EBIT SEK -18.0m (-8.6m) Several strategic agreements signed, investing and marketing Roll-out of eMELT-iD in '2...
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Freemelt’s Q4 report, which exceeded expectations due to an additional printer delivery...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q4 results, which were significantly better than expected in terms of sales.
Sales +110%, adj. EBIT SEK -0.5m vs. ABGSCe Some more revenue recognised in this quarter, order book SEK 1.
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s agreement with WEAREAM, which marks an important step in the ongoing commercialization phase of the industrial...
Redeye comments on Freemelt ahead of its Q4 results (due 20 Feb).
Q4e: Two deliveries, sales only SEK 3.6m due to payment model '24e the year of e-MELT ID, '25e the year of e-MELT IM Expect a more careful r...
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Freemelt’s Q3 report, which came in somewhat weaker than expected in terms of sales.
Sales SEK 8.2m, up 2% y-o-y: one delivery, two orders First eMELT delivery in '24e now highly likely Management comment provides potential u...
Sales -20.6%, adj. EBIT -2.6% vs. ABGSCe, improved cost control Expects increasing demand for eMELT in '24, volume orders in '25 Strategic c...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q3 results, which were somewhat softer than expected in terms of sales, while profitability came in above expe...
Q3e: Two Freemelt ONE deliveries, sales SEK 10.3m, up 28% y-o-y First eMELT agreement with large global production company No significant es...
Redeye comments on Freemelt ahead of its Q3 results (due 8 Nov).
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s agreement for the industrial printer (eMELT) with a leading global technology company, marking a significant m...
Strides in tungsten and titanium processing Commercialised sales organisation will drive order flow Anticipate initial e-MELT delivery in Q1...
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation following Freemelt’s Q2 report, which came in somewhat better than expected.
Low H1 revenue, but progress behind the scenesTarget: SEK 1bn company by 2030, with 25% recurring revenuesLong-term outlook unchanged, fair ...
Sales SEK +0.8m and adj. EBIT -7% vs. ABGSCeMultiple Freemelt ONE orders taking longer to land, but none lostAnnounces 2030 strategy, aims t...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q2 results, which were somewhat better than expected.
• One order and expected delivery in Q2 • Estimate reductions on low order intake, but volatility expected • 3D-printing bidding war demonst...
Redeye comments on Freemelt ahead of its Q2-results (due 10 Aug).
Redeye updates its estimates following Freemelt’s Q1 report.
Good cost control and FCF despite no orders Sales organisation restructured to increase future sales eMELT to be finished in '23, first deli...
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q1 results which came in better than expected due to good cost control.
Sales SEK +0.7m and adj. EBIT +28% vs. ABGSCe Positive FCF due to reduction in receivables Restructured sales organisation positive for outl...
Redeye provides an update on Freemelt ahead of its Q1-results (due 10 May), where we lower our sales expectations due to no new orders in th...
No new orders in Q1, one new order in Q2 Quarterly goodwill amortisation to double: SEK 6m to SEK 12m Maintain long-term outlook, fair value...
Presentation with CEO Daniel Gidlund and CIO Ulric LjungbladCEO highlights focus on sales and commercialisation in 2023Emphasises Freemelt's...
Finishes 2022 with record sales of SEK 36m In good financial health following directed share issue Continues to perform well, fair value SEK...
Redeye updates its estimates following Freemelt’s Q4 report, which came in lower than expected due to higher costs.
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s Q4 results and the directed share issue.
Fair value range of SEK 9-18 (9-21) Q4e: strong Freemelt ONE sales and an insurance one-off For Q4e, we expect sales of SEK 12.
Redeye comments on Freemelt’s new order wins and update its estimates for Q4 2022e once again.
Redeye updates its estimates for Q4 2022e due to the new Freemelt ONE order from a university in Germany.