Freemelt: Q4 sales somewhat better, rights issue in focus - ABG

Preliminary Q4 sales SEK 8.2m, cash balance SEK 17m
'25e-'26e sales and EBIT unchanged, EPS changes on lower SP
Full Q4 report on 28 March, after planned rights issue is concluded
Q4 preliminary results
In accordance with its previously announced intention to do so, this morning Freemelt published some preliminary Q4 figures, specifically sales, order book and cash flow. Sales were SEK 8.2m (+21% vs. ABGSCe 6.8m, +29% vs. FactSet cons. 6.4m), +7.2% y-o-y, and the company ended the quarter with a cash balance of SEK 17m (ABGSCe 17m), compared to R12m FCF of SEK -74m. With one Freemelt ONE delivery constituting the majority of sales in the quarter, the beat was likely driven by higher than expected revenue from the ongoing development projects. The full Q4 report will be published on 28 March, after the planned rights issue has been concluded.
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