Freemelt: Progress behind the scenes - ABG

Strides in tungsten and titanium processing
Commercialised sales organisation will drive order flow
Anticipate initial e-MELT delivery in Q1'24, increase gross margin
R&D department preparing for e-MELT launch
We visited Freemelt's headquarters in Mölndal recently, and were pleased to see the contrast compared to our visit one year ago. Activity was higher, with four Freemelt ONE printers running tests on tungsten and titanium, preparing material processes to be used by future e-MELT customers. Strides had also been made on the software end, as the printers were now controlled via a modern, user-friendly interface. We were shown some product features that the team has managed to print, such as very dense tungsten, useful for ray shielding, and fine titanium lattices, useful for implants. Potential customers seem particularly impressed with Freemelt's ability to process tungsten.
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