Freemelt: eMELT is approaching - ABG

Sales SEK 8.2m, up 2% y-o-y: one delivery, two orders
First eMELT delivery in '24e now highly likely
Management comment provides potential upside to '25 estimates
Q3: One Freemelt ONE delivery, two orders
Q3 sales were SEK 8.2m, up 2% y-o-y, and comprised one delivered Freemelt ONE machine and two ordered machines with partial prepayments. These are expected to be delivered in Q4'23e, and Q1'24e, respectively, when the remaining amount will be paid. EBIT was SEK -18m (-12m) and adj. EBIT was -11m (-5m). This converted into net income of SEK -17m (-12m). FCF was SEK -13m, and the company ended the quarter with a cash balance of SEK 47m. The development project with UKAEA was concluded successfully during Q3, and there is an opportunity for continued cooperation in a second phase. The company also established an indirect sales channel through a partner to access the Indian market during the quarter.
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