'25e-'26e EBIT up 6-15% Return to organic growth likely in Q2'25 '25e-'26e EV/EBIT of 14x-6x Starting to benefit meaningfully from restruct...
Sales SEK 432m +3% vs. ABGSCe 419m EBIT better than expected Consensus EBIT estimate revisions likely positive Q4'24 results Q4'24 sales ca...
Conditions remain stable but unfavourable We cut '25e-'26e sales by 9-8% due to the divestment '25e-'26e EV/EBIT 18x-9x What to expect in Q...
Minor estimate changes in absolute terms Restructuring likely to carry full effect in H2'25e '25e-'26e EV/EBIT of 18x-9x Solid performance ...
Sales SEK 344m -9% vs. ABGSCe 377m EBIT adj. for FX and cyberattack ~SEK -3m vs.
Cyberattack impact on sales likely ~SEK 5-10m We cut '24e-'26e sales by 1% '25e-'26e EV/EBIT 21x-10x What to expect in Q3'24 We anticipate ...
We cut '25e-'26e EBITDA by 28-14% Aurdel restructuring to yield improvements in '25e '25e EV/EBIT of ~19x Large restructuring in Aurdel ong...
Q2'24 results Q2'24 sales came in at SEK 382m (2% below ABGSCe SEK 392m).
- We cut '24e sales and EBITDA by 2% and 21%, respectively - Headwinds for Aurdel likely to persist - '25e EV/EBIT ~10x What to expect in Q2...
We cut '24e and '25e EBITDA by 17% and 8% Refocusing of Aurdel to improve margin stability '25e EV/EBIT of ~11x Focusing on efficiency Q1 w...
Sales SEK 458m -9% vs. ABGSCe 504m Adj. EBIT ~SEK -18m vs.
We cut '24e-'26e sales by 7-10% Sominis divestment weighs on est.
To divest electronics distribution segment SEK ~19m cumulative proceeds by early Q2'26 Negligible impact on EBIT, allows deleveraging Littl...
'24e-'25e adj. EBIT down 5-3% Successfully reducing excess working capital '24e-'25e EV/EBIT of 37x-12x Q4'23 results Q4 was mostly in line...
Sales SEK 553m -8% vs. ABGSCe 599m Adj. EBIT ~SEK -5m vs.
We cut '24e-'25e adj. EBIT by 17-13% Aurdel and EFUEL likely to delay recovery '24e-'25e EV/EBIT 37x-12x What to expect in Q4'23 We anticip...
We cut '24e-'25e adj. EBIT by 63-36%EBIT recovery delayed into 2024'24e-'25e EV/EBIT 30x-10xTough but solvable operating conditionsSince Dis...
We cut '23e-'25e adj. EBIT by 55-15% Recovery likely to continue into 2024e '24e EV/EBIT ~10x What to expect in Q3'23 We anticipate Q3'23 s...
'23e-'25e adj. EBIT raised by 28-3% Destocking progressing well in Aurdel '23e-'24e EV/EBIT of 27x-9x Q2'23 results Q2 sales were slightly ...
Sales SEK 513m -2% vs. ABGSCe 523m Adj. EBIT ~SEK 4m vs.
We cut '23e-'25e EBIT by 22-2% Consumer confidence remains relatively low '23e-'24e EV/EBIT ~34x-10x What to expect in Q2'23 We anticipate Q...
'23e-'25e adj. EBIT cut by 32-3% Q1'23 inventory write-down of SEK 20m '24e EV/EBIT 10x Q1'23 results Q1'23 was broadly in line with our ex...
Sales SEK 613m +1% vs. ABGSCe 606m Adj. EBITDA SEK -17.
We cut '23e-'25e EBIT by 49-34% Easee ban weighs on EFUEL '23e-'24e EV/EBIT ~23x-10x What to expect in Q1'23 We anticipate Q1'23e sales of S...
Ban could result in reduced growth for EFUEL-15% '23e group EBIT impact.
'23e-'24e EBIT cut by 53-40% Rights issue of ~SEK 98m EFUEL earn-out solution in place Q4 results, rights issue and earn-out solution Q4 wa...
Sales SEK 721m -13% vs. ABGSCe 824m Adj. EBITDA SEK 13.
'23e-'24e EBIT cut by 11-10% Consumer sentiment at 25-year low Rebound in Aurdel likely as soon as H2'23e Q4 expectations We cut Q4e sales ...
EFUEL signs nationwide agreement with Mekonomen Company Complete EV-charging offering through the Easee brand Improved likelihood of achievi...
Q3 softer than expected Dividend postponed after Q4 Share trading at ’23e-’24e EV/EBIT 7.
Sales SEK 622m -9% vs. ABGSCe 685m Adj. EBITDA SEK 12.
Q3 report due Friday, 28 October ’22e-’24e EBIT down on inventory challenges EFUEL earn-out likely requires financing in ’23e Q3’22 expecta...
Higher-than-expected opex turns EBIT negative Dividend postponed and timing under review Share trading at ’23e-‘24e EV/EBIT 7-5x Challen...
ABGSC hosted DistIT’s CEO at our Investor Day today He highlighted the strong track record from previous crises And the strategy for each di...
Will restructure Aurora Deltaco to realise cost synergies Lower adj.
Sales SEK 613m +2.9% vs ABGSC 596m EBIT -33% y-o-y, -26% vs.
DistIT AB (publ) (”DistIT” eller ”Bolaget”) är historiskt ett distributionsbolag som nu är i början av resan till att bli mer av ett produkt...
Muted off-season quarter with limited impact on full year DistIT delivered relatively soft results with an adj.
DistIT Group has announced the acquisition of Efuel, a Swedish market leader (30% share) within the electrical vehicle (EV) charging segment...
DistIt Group will acquire Efuel, one of the leading players in the Swedish market for electrical vehicle (EV) charging boxes (30% share).
EBIT 8% better than ABGSCe Acquired EFUEL adds c. 11% to DistIT’s ‘21e EBIT PF EFUEL is a EV charging player with 30% market share Q1 sales ...
Q2’21 report due on Wednesday, 18 August EBIT down 7% ‘21e, 27% ’20-‘23e EBIT CAGR Trading at 8x ‘22e EV/EBIT with ample room for M&A We est...
DistIT Group, the leading distributor of IT/Technology and SDA consumer goods in the Nordic and Baltic markets, will report Q2 results on 18...