DistIT: Q1'24: in line on EBIT - ABG

Sales SEK 458m -9% vs. ABGSCe 504m
Adj. EBIT ~SEK -18m vs. ABGSCe -21m
Cons. EBIT likely to come up slightly
Q1'24 results
Q1'24 sales came in at SEK 458m (9% below ABGSCe SEK 504m). Adj. EBIT came in at ~SEK -18m (vs. ABGSCe SEK -21m). On a segment basis, Sominis is the only segment that positively surprised on sales, but with respect to EBIT contribution, Aurdel was the key contributor. DistIT generated operating cash flow of ~SEK 18m, driven mostly by a working capital release, which suggests that the restructuring efforts are continuing to bear fruit.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/distit/Equity-research/2024/4/distit---q124-in-line-on-ebit/