Next milestones: finalisation of environmental permit.
Permit appeals fall flat, final decision on 5 December Feasibility study and resource update coming before year-end SEK 1.
Now awaiting potential appeals to granted environmental permit Full run-rate EBITDA raised to SEK 1.
Permit for Viscaria granted, a major milestone Permit allows for 3.
Date of environmental permit announced: 22 April Est.
Viscaria environmental permit hearing currently in progress.
Upcoming resource upgrade, list change, and permit hearing Decision on permit expected to come in Mar-Apr 2024 Viscaria estimated full run-r...
Jörgen Olsson appointed CEO, Henrik Ager to move to BoD Next major event: main permit hearing in Feb '24 We est.
SEK 266m directed share issue: ~15% disc., ~14% dilution New institutional backing helps mitigate future financing risks We estimate full ru...
Awaiting the environmental court's response Viscaria estimated full run-rate EBITDA of SEK 1.
Another round of permit completions submitted Estimated full run-rate EBITDA raised to SEK 1.
First quarter for new CEO Henrik Ager from Sandvik SMR Updated Viscaria mine plan with 5 years added to LoM Est.
Environmental permit timeline progressing as planned Resource upgrade: measured copper +43% to 346kt Fair value range raised to SEK 1.
Mining could commence in mid-’23 Long-term Viscaria assumptions unchanged Fair value of SEK 1.
Environmental permit application was submitted in Q1 Long-term Viscaria estimates unchanged So far all is going according to plan Permit ap...
Q1 report due on Wednesday, 18 May Environmental permit application was submitted in Q1 Company expects permit to be approved in mid-2023 P...
Q2’21 an eventful quarter with Viscaria re-opening Copperstone reported sales of SEK 0m (ABGSCe 0m) and EBIT of SEK -3m (ABGSCe -3m).