Copperstone Resources: Permit verdict expected on 22 April - ABG

Date of environmental permit announced: 22 April
Est. Viscaria full run-rate EBITDA of SEK 1.4bn
Mineral upgrade in Arvidsjaur, but mining is still far off
All eyes on environmental permit verdict on 22 April
The main hearing for Copperstone's environmental permit for Viscaria concluded on 21 February, and the company subsequently announced that a verdict is expected to be handed down on 22 April at 13:00 CET. If the verdict goes in Copperstone's favour, it has flagged for a high likelihood that the Sami villages of Laevas and Gabna will file an appeal, adding that appeals are the norm when it comes to mining permits. Copperstone has preemptively filed for a so-called "execution order", which if granted would allow the company to start some smaller investments in the Viscaria area while the appeals process is ongoing (such as draining water from the old mine).
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