Copperstone Resources: Permit decision expected in Mar-Apr - ABG
Viscaria environmental permit hearing currently in progress...
...and a judgement is expected during Mar-Apr
Fair value adjusted for 20:1 reverse split, otherwise unchanged
Permit hearing ongoing, expect decision in Mar-Apr
On 30 January, Copperstone announced that the main environmental permit hearing for the Viscaria mine has commenced, marking an important milestone for the company. The hearing is expected to last "about three weeks", according to the company, after which a judgement from the courts typically comes within 1-2 months, i.e. we expect a decision in March-April. This decision is subject to appeals, and we note that appeals are the norm, not the exception. However, Copperstone may still be granted a so-called "execution order", which would allow it to start certain easily reversible investments in the Viscaria area during an appeal process.
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