Viscaria: Expects permit finalised during the spring - ABG - Börskollen
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Viscaria: Expects permit finalised during the spring - ABG


Next milestones: finalisation of environmental permit...
...and publication of feasibility study (in the Q1 report)
Viscaria est. full run-rate EBITDA of SEK 1.8bn on spot prices

Q4 highlights

Viscaria reported Q4 EBIT of SEK -20m (ABGSCe -20m), while capitalised exploration expenses slowed to SEK 77m (SEK 104m in Q3). Some notable events during the quarter included the finalisation of company's land allocation permit (granted in June 2023), the appointment of Mark Johnson – COO at Freeport-McMoRan Indonesia, a subsidiary within one of the world's largest copper producers – to the Board of Directors, and a shareholder loan agreement of SEK 315m.

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