Asahi Kasei has reached 93%, including acquired shares.
Calliditas delivers a positive surprise in total sales, including royalty contributions from Asia, US patient enrollment (in line with our e...
Calliditas delivered another powerful result in what looks like the last quarter as a listed company.
The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of EMA recommends a full marketing authorisation for Kinpeygo in Europe and a tar...
The bid is supported by 44.6% of shareholders, representing a bid premium of 74% compared with yesterday’s closing price.
Calliditas delivers a positive surprise in patient enrolment (18% above our expectations) and new subscribers (44% above our expectations).
Travere reported strong sales quarter growth for FILSPARI, competing with Calliditas TARPEYO.
Setanaxib delivers promising results when used together with Keytruda in a tumour type, where Setanaxib could contribute to turning a cold t...
Calliditas entered 2024 with a strong Tarpeyo patient enrollment.
Calliditas confirms that the OLE (Open Label Extension study) treatment response is consistent with the NefIgArd study regarding UPCR and eG...
Calliditas continue to extend the Tarpeyo brand following the method patent to 2043 and is now also improving its core orphan drug exclusivi...
See what other investors are asking and the answers from Redeye's dedicated analyst in the latest Analyst Q&A.
Apart from the new label, Tarpeyo is supported by a higher price and 50-51% growth in prescribers and patient enrollment.
Calliditas confirms that 2024 has continued with a positive launch momentum.
Travere reported its Q4 result after the market close on 15 February.
Vera has a BAFF/APRIL B-Cell modulator based IgAN candidate called Atacicept, which has delivered 2b results and is in the early stage of a ...
Calliditas published a preliminary Q4 update earlier today.
FDA has completed the review of Tarpeyo on time. With clear support from the 2-year post-approval study (NefIgArd Part B), Tarpeyo secures u...
The market sentiment is picking up, and Calliditas is interesting ahead of the critical PDUFA date (20 December).
Lägre försäljning än förväntat – upprepad guidning för 2023 Calliditas Q3-rapport kom in under både våra och marknadens förväntningar.
During the 2023 Tarpeyo's conversion rate has improved gradually from low levels.
Callidita’s strict Tarpeyo (US) product growth is 130% in Q3, and the recorded Q3 sales are 12% below our expectations and 9% below consensu...
The main point is the confirmation of the statistically significant eGFR benefits and the reduction in proteinuria, as revealed earlier.
Travere, with its conditionally approved FILSPARI, is the only Tarpeyo alternative for US patients.
Stabil försäljning i kvartalet, men justerad prognos Calliditas rapporterade för Q2 en något högre försäljning än väntat.
In Q2 Calliditas regains the sequential sales growth but the conversion from patient enrollment into prescriptions and sales remains a chal...
Calliditas sequential Q2 sales growth bounces back to just above the Q4 level (39%) after the softer Q1 (9%).
Following the FDA approval in 17th February earlier this year FILSPARI is recording sales of USD 3m in Q1 (commercially available in 27th F...
There was plenty of IgAN attention including new and emerging treatment modalities.
Novartis has placed a bid; which is formally a merger and the proposal is approved by the boards of directors on both sides, on the US biote...
In Q1 Calliditas reports an improved US launch momentum both in terms of unique subscribers and enrolled patients.
En rapport under försäljningsestimaten Calliditas rapporterade för Q1 en försäljning om 191 mkr jämfört med våra estimat om 250 mkr.
Callidita’s sequential Q1 growth accelerates in terms of unique subscribers and patient enrollment to 43% (34%) and 32% (10%), respectively.
Primärt effektmått uppnått i fas III Calliditas presenterade under söndagskvällen övergripande data från B-delen av sin fas III-studie med N...
Calliditas has presented the initial results from the Part B study featuring the 15m follow-up period after using the initial Tarpeyo treatm...
Calliditas recorded Q4 Tarpeyo sales of SEK 169m which is impressive even if it is just below our and the markets expectations.
Rapportkommentar Calliditas släppte under torsdagen en rapport som slog våra försäljningsestimat, men med en något lägre produktförsäljning ...
Calliditas recorded Q4 Tarpeyo sales of SEK 169m which is slightly below our and the markets expectations.
There will be two alternative IgAN therapies on the US market by the last week of February 2023 as the FDA gives the green light to Sparsent...
Redeye updates its outlook on Calliditas, anticipating US launch support and the European launch over the next 12 months, along with long-te...
Calliditas partner in China (including South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore) Everest Medical has announced that the Center fo...
Licensavtal i Japan Calliditas meddelade under gårdagen att de tecknat ett licensavtal med Viatris för att kommersialisera Nefecon på den ja...
Adding Viatris as a partner for Japan is interesting.
Q3-kommentar Calliditas presenterade under gårdagen sin Q3-rapport.
Calliditas recorded Q3 product sales of SEK 125m in Q3 which is very close our and the markets expectations.
Ny data publicerad Under förra veckan publicerades ytterligare data från fas III-studien med Nefecon i patienter med IgA-nefrit.
The Calliditas share price reaction suggests that the Kidney International publication feedback should result in increased uncertainty.
We have taken a sceptical view regarding the potential threat from Sparsentan (Travere Therapeutics) ahead of additional long-term data from...
Q2-rapporten Calliditas presenterade under torsdagen sin rapport för det andra kvartalet.
Calliditas recorded Q2 sales are SEK 64m in Q2 compared with SEK 0m in Q2 2021, and Tarpeyo product sales accounted for SEK 64m.
Ludvig Svensson, aktieanalytiker på Erik Penser Bank, presenterar sitt investment case på Calliditas Therapeutics.
The positive CHMP opinion is both timely and expected.
Rapportkommentar Calliditas presenterade under onsdagen sin Q1-rapport – det första kvartalet med försäljning av TARPEYO i USA.
Calliditas recorded Q1 sales are SEK 50m in Q1 compared with SEK 0m in 2021, and Tarpeyo product sales accounted for SEK 18m.
Rapportkommentar Q4 Calliditas Q4-rapport innehöll inga större överraskningar.
Calliditas recorded Q4 sales are SEK 31m in Q4 compared with SEK 0m in Q3, and this is, of course, an indication that the US lunch is active...
Calliditas lead project in the clinical pipeline besides Nefecon/TARPEYO is Setanaxib targeting primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) in a pivot...
Uppdaterade estimat EPB uppdaterar sina estimat efter uppgifterna om listpris (~127 000 USD/år) för TARPEYO i USA samt den något snävare pat...
Accelererat FDA-godkännande för Tarpeyo (Nefecon) Calliditas meddelade under gårdagskvällen att Tarpeyo (tidigare Nefecon) har erhållit ett ...
Inga överraskningar i Q3-rapporten Calliditas släppte under gårdagen sin Q3-rapport.
PDUFA-datum uppskjutet till 15 december Calliditas meddelade under tisdagskvällen att den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA har skjutit ...
FDA regards Calliditas amended application as a major amendment very late in the approval process and extends the PDUFA (decision deadline) ...
Calliditas meddelade under tisdagskvällen att den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA har skjutit upp måldatumet (PDUFA) för Nefecon inom ...
Senast den 15 september kommer det avgöras om Calliditas ledande projekt, Nefecon, blir det första godkända läkemedlet för den sällsynta nju...
Redeye highlights that Calliditas continue to progress with the lead candidate Nefecon and the company prepares for the US and European laun...
Calliditas has secured a directed share issue of 2.
Calliditas is in a good position as it is about to launch Nefecon in Europe together with Stada in early 2022.
Calliditas Therapeutics har tecknat ett samarbetsavtal med STADA för läkemedelskandidaten Nefecon på den europeiska marknaden.