Fastighetsbolaget Trianon avslutar året med ett starkt resultat om cirka 200 (-314,5) miljoner kronor för det fjärde kvartalet.
Fastighetsbolaget Trianon har satt upp som mål att fastighetsvärdet ska uppgå till 20 miljarder kronor senast 2030.
Fastighetsbolaget Trianons driftnetto ökade till 134,0 (130,6) miljoner kronor under det andra kvartalet.
Fastighetsbolaget Trianon uppvisade hyresintäkter om 185,4 (183,2) miljoner kronor under det första kvartalet.
Fastighetsbolaget Trianon redovisade hyresintäkter om 732,8 miljoner kronor under 2023.
Residential rental uplift of ~5% for 2023 Focus on refurbishments limits value drop slightly 2023e NAV discount of ~25% vs sector average of...
Small estimate changes in ’22e-‘24e Solid demand for CSP and strong net leasing Refinancing secures liquidity and adds stability Valuation ...
The Q3 results showed relatively minor deviations from our estimates and IFPM fell 2% y/y.
NOI increased 10% y-o-y, 1% vs ABGSCe Income from property management -7% vs.
Estimate potential for an unprecedented rent increase Mostly hit by increased interest rate expectations Trading at ~16x and ~0.
Interest rate sensitivity provided by Trianon Yield of 3.
NOI trimmed by ~1-2% and CEPS by ~4% We note rental income estimate potential Trading ~25% below 4-year P/IFPM average Consensus for resid...
Trianon reported a mixed set of numbers for Q2. On the negative side, IFPM fell 10% short of our estimates, burdened by higher energy and pr...
Net operating income -7% vs ABGSCe IFPM in the earnings capacity up by 6% Occupancy rate up 0.
Value change potential from retail to CSP conversion Unsustainable yield spread prompts value declines Share down ~50% YTD, trades well belo...
We postpone timelines for some projects Major swap portfolio restructured – 40% secured to 2025 25x P/IFPM and 1.
Trianon reported solid Q1 2022 numbers, with adjusted EPS growth of 42% y/y, EPRA NAV up 35% y/y, earnings capacity up 13% y/y and positive ...
Net operating income -1% vs ABGSCe, -3% vs cons. +0.
ESG activities Trianon’s sustainability agenda focuses on five areas, based on a selection of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: 1) Af...
Trianon ended 2021 with several transactions and new projects – and we expect the high level of activity to continue in 2022.
Trianon had yet another eventful quarter in terms of transactions, with the 50% divestment of Rosengård Centrum and acquisition of Signatur ...
Recurring PTP per share improved to SEK 7.11 (6.88) Rental income rose 14% and NOI reached SEK 101m (92m), -10% vs.
In Q2, Trianon was active in investments, including listed, shares, projects and building rights.