Trianon: ESG profile - ABG

ESG activities
Trianon’s sustainability agenda focuses on five areas, based on a selection of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: 1) Affordable and clean energy; energy and heat efficiency in properties is an essential aspect of Trianon's sustainability efforts. In order to improve efficiency, the company has introduced e.g. shared electricity subscriptions and installation of solar cells. 2) Decent work and economic growth: Trianon strives to hire people that are not currently in the labour force. 3) Reduced inequalities: The company offers affordable housing through cost-efficient newbuilding and renovation of apartments to improve stability in socioeconomically weaker areas. 4) Sustainable cities and communities: the company offers different types of tenures to provide flexibility and decreased segregation. 5) Climate action: besides its renewable energy and energy efficiency actions, Trianon encourages its tenants to consume electricity conservatively and to sort waste.
Opportunities and risks
On the social front, the company takes actions to include as many people as possible in its workforce. Finding internships for adolescents living in their properties, including social impact clauses in contracts with other parties, and creating venues are just a few of the initiatives Trianon works with. On the environmental side, the company constantly monitors the use of water and electricity at its properties. There is, however, a risk of not prioritising the most environmentally friendly solutions when this conflicts with profitability.
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