All share offer of SEK 58.7/sh accepted, delisting approved More about Tethys and the offer All share offer of SEK 58.
Tethys Oil har under hösten fått ett bud på 58,70 kr per aktie som ligger i princip mitt i intervallet i vårt motiverade värde om 50 till 65...
Q3 numbers in line with estimates Guidance trimmed, but limited impact on estimates All share bid likely to be accepted Q3 numbers much in ...
Q3 EBITDA of 15.2m, in line with ABGSCe of USD 15.3m Small downward revisions to guidance Q3 much as expected, all share offer likely to be ...
- Q3 production much as expected - All share offer likely to be accepted - P/NAV of 1.
Roc Oil Company bids SEK 58.7/sh for Tethys Oil Offer in-line with ABGSC valuation, independent committee recommends the offer Bid seems lik...
Produktionen verkar ha stabiliserats och vi förväntar oss en gradvis ökning under året.
Q2 EBITDA 8% above on lower costs Reduced guidance, yet only small changes to estimates Reiterate fair value range of SEK 30-55/sh Q2 numbe...
Q2 production slightly below Focus in Q2: Exploration, FDP on Block 56 & strategic review P/NAV of 0.
Tethys Oil står inför intressanta möjligheter trots utmaningar i Block 3&4.
Q1 EBITDA of USD 13.0m, slightly below ABGSCe Small downwards revisions to estimates after Q1 P/NAV of 0.
Q1 EBITDA of 13.0m, below ABGSCe USD 15m on higher costs No changes to guidance - Strategic review still ongoing Only small changes to cons ...
Increased estimates on higher oil price assumptions Exciting exploration activities ahead P/NAV of 0.
Q4 EBITDA of USD 21.5m, in line with ABGSCe Estimates down on lower production assumptions Fair value range revised to SEK 30-55 (40-75) Q4...
Q4 EBITDA of 21.5m vs ABGSCe 20.1m Initiates strategic review of portfolio Downwards revision to cons estimates likely Q4 EBITDA 21.
Q4 trading update in line '24e slightly down on lower oil price and production P/NAV of 0.
Q3 EBITDA of USD 16.4m, in line with ABGSCe But soft production lowers estimates Fair value range revised to SEK 40-75 (45-85) Q3 numbers i...
Q3 EBITDA of 16.4m vs ABGSCe 15.4m Production guidance narrowed Only minor estimate changes expected Q3 EBITDA 16.
Q3'23 report due on Tuesday 7 November First revenue contribution from Al Jumd in Q3e P/NAV of 0.
Bolaget har spännande prospektering på gång, vilket vid ett lyckosamt utförande kan ge ett bra värdeskapande.
Q2 EBITDA 16% below ABGSCe on higher costsFY'23 production guidance lowered by ~5%Fair value range revised to SEK 40-80 (50-90) EBITDA miss ...
Q2 EBITDA 16% below ABGSCe on higher opexReduces FY'23 production guidance by ~5%Negative estimate changes expected Q2 EBITDA 16% below ABGS...
• Q2'23 report due on Tuesday, 8 August • Revised oil price assumptions • P/NAV of 0.
Utmaningar i Block 3&4 blandas med spännande prospekteringsmöjligheter i Block 56&58.
Delivering as expected in Q1 Lots to look forward to in 2023 P/NAV of 0.
Q1'23 report due on Tuesday, 9 May Revised oil price assumptions Reiterate fair value range of SEK 60-100/sh Steady performance in Q1'23e T...
Q4 report broadly in line '23 outlook somewhat soft, increased spending P/NAV of 0.
Q4 numbers broadly in line Soft guidance for '23 and low RRR Positive new on Block 58 and DPS of SEK 5/sh Q4 numbers broadly in line Tethys...
Q4 report due on Tuesday, February 7 Looking ahead to 2023 P/NAV 0.
Produktionen har stabiliserats och kassaflödena gynnas av stigande oljepriser.
Estimates slightly down on lower production guidance Continued progress on Block 56 Share discounts LT oil price of USD 54/bbl Estimates...
Higher oil price realisation expected in Q2 Block 56 remains in focus Discounts USD 50/bbl, P/NAV 0.
Tethys Oil sänker produktionsguidningen något för 2022 och har lämnat lovande resultat från borrningen av Al Jumd-2 i Block 56.
Guidance and estimates down on production issues One step forward on Block 56 Discounts long-term oil price of ~USD 68/bbl Estimates dow...
Massive estimate revisions High activity expected in Q1 Discounts oil price of ~USD 70/bbl Higher oil price drives massive estimate revisio...
Tethys rustar för att öka kapaciteten och möjligheten för högre oljeproduktion.
Produktionen tillfälligt begränsad på grund av renoveringsbehov – torde ej få långsiktig påverkan Tethys Oil rapporterade en något lägre pro...
Oljeproducenten Tethys Oil står finansiellt stark och har dolda värden som lockar till investering.
Q2 on the soft side, but limited revisions No imminent trigger in Thameen-1 Discounts oil at USD 47/bbl Tethys Oil reported Q2’21 production...
EBITDA 9% below cons Unconventional approach likely on Thameen-1 Report unlikely to trigger meaningful ’21 revisions Tethys Oil reported Q2’...
Q2e EBITDA of USD 16m Based on the monthly production updates, we estimate Tethys’ Q2 working interest production at 10,949boe/d.