Tethys Oil: End of acceptance period approaching - ABG

Q3 numbers in line with estimates
Guidance trimmed, but limited impact on estimates
All share bid likely to be accepted
Q3 numbers much in line with ABGSCe
Tethys Oil reported Q3'24 numbers in line with our estimates. EBITDA of USD 15.2m was spot on ABGSCe at USD 15.3m. Note that production, sold volumes and realised prices were pre-announced. FCF in the quarter was USD -8.8m (SEK -2.9/sh), slightly below ABGSCe of USD -6.6m (SEK -2.2/sh) due to higher-than-estimated capex. See our first take from this morning for additional comments on the Q3 report: "Q3: EBITDA in-line, guidance trimmed".
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