Tethys Oil: Strong quarter expected - ABG

Higher oil price realisation expected in Q2
Block 56 remains in focus
Discounts USD 50/bbl, P/NAV 0.55x
Revenue up on higher oil price realisation
Based on production data for April and May, we estimate that Tethys Oil’s Q2 working interest production will come in at 10.1k boe/d alongside net entitlement of 4.3k boe/d. We continue to expect a gradual production increase throughout the year and see FY’22 net production of 10.7k boe/d. Tethys experiences a two-month lag in terms of price achievement and higher oil prices will be reflected in the Q2 numbers. We estimate net revenues of USD 42.3m and EBITDA of USD 29.2m.
Block 56 in focus
In continuation of the three-well drilling campaign on Block 56 that was finalised in Q1, the area is subject to testing and further appraisal drilling for the remainder of 2022. The six-month production testing of the Al Jumd wells is expected to commence in Q3 and will be a key event. We continue to see Block 56 as important for increasing and diversifying production beyond the existing Block 3&4. We believe any supportive commentary on the output and potential of these wells will be seen as positive for investors.
P/NAV 0.55x, discounts USD 50/bbl.
Tethys’ share price has declined following the recent market weakness for listed E&Ps. At the current price, we estimate a discounted oil price of USD 50/bbl and a P/NAV of 0.55x based on the ABGSC oil price deck.
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